The baby development thread

Noa is 7month tomorrow. He is such a happy little boy. Everyone says how content he is n how lucky I am to have such an easy baby. He sleeps 10-12 hours n have 3 naps during the day. We try to do blw a lot with occationally spoon feeding. He eat everything.
Noa sits up n are starting to pull himself up but have sofar not managed without me.
He gets up on hands n knees n swing back n forward. Not crawling really yet. He shuffle around n gets where he wants to be (mainly underneith the table) he babble all day long. Last month he's become really cuddely n its soooo nice.
Noa is the most beautiful person in the world n I'm so lucky!

Oh n he can do high five n he's a mummys boy :)
Awe! High fives!! I've been trying to teach Chloe buy she gives me a look like seriously?! Lol
Awww high fives is cuuuute, and wanting to be under the table hehe

Forgot to mention that Oscar has known for a few weeks that he's Oscar too. If you say his name he'll look at you and smile, we've tested it loads and he defo knows you're talking to him when you say his name.

His sitting up is getting better each day, he's still all leant forward but he can hold himself there for ages now, just gotta get him more upright.

He stood unaided on Sunday. Well Dad put him down on the floor and he always makes his legs go rigid and there was a box in front of him and he stood, hands leaning on box, for about 30 seconds before he tilted sideways lol. His face was really shocked while he was standing lol
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Chloe is trying to walk now 7 1/2 months old cute but scary!!! My heart jumps every time
Matthew started rolling over a couple of days ago! So proud :)
Awe!! I love it when they first roll over such a mile stone :)
C is 10 months next week. But much younger to me!
Can now, eat 3 meals a day (this was the hardest thing to do!) sit unaided, crawl army style, and normal crawl if he feels like it, finally. Both ridiculously fast. Pull himself to stand, walk along things while holding on. High 5, clap on demand (which he loves! Lol he looks so proud when he does it). Give u his dummy when u ask for it. If u hold his hands, he will stand if u say up, and plonk back down if u say down.
Doesn't say much, mama... Sometimes randomly, other times it does seem to e directed at me... By only if upset. Says baba, a lot... And we think he said baby the other day. Doesn't really say anything else?
Oh, and e was weighed at hosp last night. Just under 21 lbs (which for some reason I thought he was about 2mth ago, but I was wrong).
Erm... Anything else I can think of?
Has two bottom teeth since 6 mths, one of his top came last week, no real sign of other front top, but the one on the side of the top that's come through has also appeared (does that make sense?)
Lastly... Still seemingly lacking much of an immune system!!! Lol
Awe teeth!! Chloe is still all gums lol!

Oh Chloe said chocolate yesterday really clear when bells was feeding her chocolate buttons which I thought was really cute but she still doesn't say mum unless she is upset or wants my boob lol!!
Charley's 7 and half months. He's sitting unaided, rolls everywhere, army crawls, sleeps 12 hours straight at night, he cut his 1st tooth afew days ago and hasn't been upset with it, I'm so proud of how happy he is, eats 3 meals a day with 3 8oz bottles and snacks (he's a hungry baby) he weighed 19lb 9oz last week, when he gets upset he says mummm :D laughs when you say dada lol, puts his arms up if he wants cuddles oh and if I wave and say hiya he puts his hand up like he's trying to wave!
He's not standing though, he won't stand holding onto anything apart from if I hold him standing up.
He's very mischievous, if I say no he laughs and carries on!
I think that's it! Lol
High fives, another mummy's boy here!!

Oscar has just started getting up on his hands and feet and trying to pull up on things to stand. He looks so shocked when he does it.

I cannot for the life if me get him to drink from a bottle or beaker and it's frustrating me now. He has just cut his bottom tooth and my nip nips are so sore. It's like starting all over again with the pain.

Oscar had his first holiday last week and was such a good boy.
Devon , has just turned 5 months old - he will make lots of differnt oooooohhhhh like sounds when hes happy and just fed, but doesn't do it the rest of the day. I'm naturally teaching him mummy more than the sound daddy!!!:whistle:

He is TW and taking great interest all of a sudden in anything that goes in my mouth, like my lunch etc, he is facinated by it, so BLW next month....

He loves looking in mirrors at the other baby and mummy!

He is a floppy baby (all mine were) and if sitting he has to be really held, or would face plant on the floor within 2 secs! Must work on that..

Tummy time - He will lay facedown for 30 secs and then cry!! Ooops

He has just started to swing his body over one side when on his back, ready for rolling - watch this space...

He has good hands now , everything goes into mouth for a slobber.
He likes laptop cables and bras straps (as do most men!)

He likes when we play peekaboo, and laughs when we do any ready, steady games... like he understands anticipatiion ....

He has learned to fake cry already!!!!!!!!
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Two weeks ago joshy started to wave and crawl and If you say dance he has a little boogy now!! X
An update on Drake. He's now 8 months and 2 weeks (i think!) and is babbling all the time..dada, mama, baba. Waves, claps hands, sits unaided, will go on fours but just rocks back and forth, goes to a sitting position in said all fours. Stands holding on to you, tries to show off and take a hand away and look around to see who's looking. He climbs off my lap to get on the floor, bounces on my lap. Has 2 bottom teeth, has 3 meals a day, 3 bottles day and loves drinking water! Oh, he normally sleeps all night with the odd occasion he might wake for a dummy.

He's such a happy baby now, he's certainly a lot easier now even though he's hyper lol
ooo what a lovely thread! i can post for marley after his twins post!
he is the same age as baby drake... has just started to sleep through! he has 3 meals a day plus 2 bottles a day. he also loves water and will drink it out of his beaker by himself! he isnt crawling but will rock on all fours, or army crawl on his elbows. so far he sayd dadda and iya. im not sure if the "iya" is his "hello" as it means "owch" in italian, and they are both words we say alot so i dont know if hes getting confused with the 2 languages!? he will pull himslef up onto me and make like a triangle shape when in a crawling position if that makes sense. he LOVES his dummy and i think we'll have problems getting him off it!!!awww i love him so much =))))) ooo and no teeth yet!!!!!!!!!
Corben is 10 weeks and he notices his hands and plays and chews them, he loves playing with bright toys and picking them up and eating them. He loves smiling and cooing saying agoo, goo, awah aboo and gah. He watches us wherever we go :D and he'll stand up if he gets the chance and wont ben his legs to sit and he's started to sit up without support!!
Matthew sat up unaided today for about a minute! Really shocked me that he did it for so long!
He is 19 weeks now!
Blake is 6 months old (will be 7 months next tues).

He cut his first tooth at 5 months and his third (top one) has broken through overnight. Apart from waking 3/4 times a night for the past month he's been ok with his teeth, not too dribbly, no nappy rash, doesn't seem in pain. I'm really proud of how he's handled it. He slept straight through last night and noticed the tooth had broken. Wonder if it's a coincidence?

He has been rolling back to front for ages but only mastered front to back last week so can't leave him anywhere now! No signs of crawling but very selfishly I havent been putting him on his front as we are going on holiday next week and I don't think I could cope with him crawling! (yes, I'm a bad mummy!).

He has been saying Dadda and Daddy for ages but no sign of Mama. He loves the word Nana though and repeats this constantly which my mum nearly wets herself over every time he does it! He also says Hiya but I've noticed he does this mostly to his Dad (who has said it to him constantly since birth). Gagga gagga is his new word this week.

He is very strong on his legs and even though he has been sitting up since he turned 5 months he much prefers to stand and jump. He is like a little kangaroo! I have to support him under his arms of course.

We've been doing BLW for two weeks and it's going brilliantly. He loves avocado.

He adores music. His Daddy plays guitar to him and I sing. We're like the bloody Von Trapps! But only in private. He dances from side to side when prompted if there is music.

He hates ASDA. from the moment we walk in, he does this high pitched squeal and won't stop it until we leave. He kicks in frustration - especially down the meat aisle for some reason?! I'm veggie but I haven't influenced that at all! I still buy meat for my husband.

I am loving this age right now, it's so much fun!

Really nice reading what all the other babies are up to.
Lol at ray of light. My now 10 month old says mama ALL the time. Never said dada!!
Could be me saying mama about 50 times a day since he was born?
I'm always saying mummy to my LO. My mantra is 'mummy will be his first word' lol
Lol Maria keep going! It worked for me!! However, all he now says is mama and baba! We have nothing else! Lol. His sister had about 10 words by now!! But if he is gona stick with 2 for now... I'm glad one is mama!! X

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