The baby development thread

:yay: hes doing great! o read that the speach is what varies most when it comes to development so don't worry, he's focusing on everything else at the moment so the speach will come when he's ready :love:
Thanks so much Isobel. My bf tells me hes fine too, but that we prob just spent more time on it with our daughter. I'm with C all day everyday talking away to him?!! I'm not sure what else I can do? X
Thats all u can do and he will soon chat non stop! He's learning so much all the time, the brain is working nonstop and in his head he got the priority list, perhaps.climbing draws is before talking on his :) it will all come together in the end x
Gonna write in this to cheer myself up. Leo now crawls :yay: Stands up unaided (keep trying to do a pic but he gets down before I can take one) :faint: and walks with his push along :)
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He will be chatting along before you know it :)

And yay crawling!! X
Poppys 7 mOnths nearly n still can't sit unaided crawl or pull herself up onto anything. :(
Cian took his first steps last week, on the 2/8. I'm so happy!!
Some of you will prob remember I was worried because his legs were so weak even at 7 or 8 months. Crawling must have strengthened them up. I'm so happy that he's doing okay.
So "starting to walk"... Lol if we stand him up and get him to come to us.
Also in te last week or so he has become a proper mischievous, danger hunting boy!
Crawls into drawers, onto chairs, has now mastered climbing on the sofa. I found this out with a shock! Sitting on sofa, but looking out te window on phone to sister , in a 17 SECOND phone call (I checked), he got on the sofa, and had one leg over the side climbing on the coffee table! He's going to give me heart failure!!
I don't know how I missed this thread! Lizzie is now able to sit for about 30 seconds unaided, crawl backwards and spin 360 degrees :) She gets up onto her hands and knees and rocks but just can't figure out how to go forwards bless her :lol:
She can stand up holding onto the sofa edge and if I hold her hands she's getting the hang of moving her legs to 'walk', but then plops down on her bum again.

Oh and she's just learnt to scream :)
Chloe took her first proper steps yesterday she is 9 months old I'm so proud holding nothing <3 she was toddling around all evening and today too <3 looks so weird - love it when she forgets the other foot and spends about 2 mins moving the one going in a circle haha!!
Matthew is now rolling all over the place, has been doing for a while!
He has started getting up onto all fours, but just faceplants the floor as he doesn't know what to do lol!

Hi ladies!

Riley is just over 10 months and is on his knees rocking back and forth so im hoping he will want to crawl soon! No words yet, very noisy and vocal so not worried about him at all.

Il just be pleased when he learns to crawl and he wont be so bloomin miserable. Oh and to add he is now trying to sit himself up as well.
Well done babes!!! Love reading all of these moments.

Campbell is 8months old, pulls himself up on everything and cruises round the furniture. He had two teeth now suddenly too!!! He is beginning to wave and gives kisses xxx
Pauric is 8 months now :)

Has become a master of rolling and has started rocking on all fours too, can say mama baba etc and making lots of sounds :)

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