The baby development thread

Oz is such a noisey baby, he's always making mumumumum sounds and he always sounds like he's complaining about something lol

I'm still waiting for him to sit up, he'll be 6 months in a couple of weeks and he still can't do it!! He can stand though, really well. If you stand him up he can stand unaided for ages, it's so freaky though lol
Alisha is four months can do alot of things she should not be doing untill shes older
amelia is 26 weeks so 6 and half months and she is sitting unaided really well rolls both ways trying o get on her knees to crawl hasnt mastered her arms yet she is maing new noices and sounds every week and she is standing with help she also grabs everything in sight and if your eating she will grab it off you and/or stare at u until she gets some lol x
poppys 5 months 3 weeks, cant sit unaided yet, what age should they do it at, am a bit worried =/
roll front to back all day long lol, bsbbles all day, loved playing with her feet n has 2 meals a day n she was 14lb13oz a week ago, chubba chub! Lol x
Both charley and Lacey didn't sit unaided until 6 months.
I can add more to charley's now... He's 8 and half months, He can sit unaided, crawl, roll everywhere, pull himself up into a standing position, walks along furniture, climbs afew steps on my stairs, says mumm and dada, claps hands, has 5 teeth, eats whatever he wants (finger foods and purres) has his pincher grip, sleeps 11-12 hours straight at night. That's all I can think of ATM!
aww i love seeing all their milestones!

Dylan is 4 months now and is sitting up on his own for a min or so now before flinging himself backwards or sideways... still slightly leaning forward but getting there. still not rolling as he is trying to roll his head one way and legs the other :wall2: he babbles alot now and will laugh if u say mumma or dadda! he will turn to face you if u say his name and will put his hand in the air if u wave at him and say bye. he is caterpillar shuffling and spinning on his belly to face the direction he wants, hes also starting to notice toys more now and is trying to hold them far without success unless you place it in his hand. if you make kissing noises he opens his mouth and leans in... nice wet kisses :D he is sleeping for 13hrs at night and 3-4 hours in the day in hour bursts. if you place your finger in his hand hell pull himself up to standing and will stand when holding on to he also took a step froward when i was holding him :D hes now learnt how no fling himself up his changing mat too and finds it very funny....thats all i can think of right now...
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Noa is 7month tomorrow. He is such a happy little boy. Everyone says how content he is n how lucky I am to have such an easy baby. He sleeps 10-12 hours n have 3 naps during the day. We try to do blw a lot with occationally spoon feeding. He eat everything.
Noa sits up n are starting to pull himself up but have sofar not managed without me.
He gets up on hands n knees n swing back n forward. Not crawling really yet. He shuffle around n gets where he wants to be (mainly underneith the table) he babble all day long. Last month he's become really cuddely n its soooo nice.
Noa is the most beautiful person in the world n I'm so lucky!

Oh n he can do high five n he's a mummys boy :)

Noa is now 8 month 2 weeks
Since a month back now have been crawling n is now very quick to get to anything he's not supposed to.
He stands easy n can walk wobbly holding on to me with 1 hand
1 tooth but 1.5 month later still no sign if the second one
He waves, claps, says mam mam every morning to wake me up :cloud9:
He gets more confident n more loud, he climbs on every thing .

Last Monday he pulled his nappy of after he done a poo n instead of waking me up he sat nicely n played with his toys n a book n when I woke up it was poo everywhere! No that's a skill!
(after his morning bottle I sometimes put his toys in the cot as he talks to them then go back to sleep)
Awe bless him and ekk! Poop!! Lol

Chloe is now 9 months to date - gone so fast!! She does the mam mam . Da da bewwwwwla (bells) and yeaa but now has said Her first words

1 chocolate
2 carrot pronounced Carr-et
3 toodles (Micky mouse)
4 daddy

So much love <3

Oh and
5 no!

She was very quiet before but now she babbles away and if I sit her in her high chair she has a mini paddy till she is plated her food! Cheeky pudding she is! And every time someone gets their food before her she squeals lol!!!
Devon has just cut his 4th tooth today, and some of the other 3 are looking big now, it looks wrong to see all these teath and have hardley any hair on his head, (blonde so you can't see it either).

He can roll over from back to front, but hardly ever does it, only when he is screeming, then his arms go in a better position to roll over.

He is either laughting or really stroppy, think lots of this is his teath, but he wants to be carried all day long, and won't let you sit down on a chair without crying! So we walk alot and he better not gain any more weight or will not fit the baby carry, he is 17.5 lb and it only goes up to 25lb.

He loves games and funny animal noises, but I have found he is scared of the noise of hand dryers in public toilets!

He must burn loads of calories each day just through kicking his legs, he is either kicking them madley like he is running, esp when in the baby carry, or he is holding both legs and trying to chew his socks!! He seems very flexible!!
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9 months and my gorgeous baby boy has started proper crawling today! :yay:
Yayyy well done Drake - oh dear time to baby proof the house again Yobado!!!
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Aww well done babies!!

Campbell is 8 months next week. He:
sits from crawling
pulls himself up on anything and everything
climbs onto his bouncy chair and onto the low window sill
says dada
starting to wave
claps his hands
walks around the furniture and holding hands

Alanna just hit 7 months, can sit up, crawl, rollover back to front ( but not the other way!) can pull herself up to standing, has worked out how to get food INSIDE her hand (yay for cheerios!) umm and i think thats it lol, she doesnt like talking much, just whinges.
Ella is 9 and a half months now and she is crawling, pulls herself to standing, cruises round furniture, walks holding hands, waves, claps hands, says mama and dada, points if she wants something, drinks from a sippy cup, and loves to "read" books - she turns the pages :lol:

She has no teeth either!
Tegan is 9 months next week, pulling herself up on everything walking holding hands and with a push along walker, army crawling says mama dada nannan and cat she has 6 teeth x
Leo is 9 months, sits unaided, rocks on the floor...cant crawl but the little man has learnt to stand the middle of my floor :shock: for about 5 seconds. Walks along furniture and with a push along walker. Says Mum, Dad, Hiya, Hello, Nan, Gandad, Ta, Jew (Juice), Out, Up, Yeah, No & Jacob :) and claps his hands :love:
Heres an update... so were 19 days from being 1 years old!! NOOOO!
C Has 6 teeth... with 7,8, and 9 on way!!
Practically runs along the sofa, walks with a walker (and gets so proud of himself he checks your looking and claps himself lol). He climbs in drawers.... probably not the proudest moment as a mother, but hey, he was pleased with himself!
Verbally... not great? My daughter was really advanced, so can someone just say if this is okay? He still does bababa, gagaga mum mum and dad dad. THATS IT!
Ive been saying, ta, hiya, bye, bottle, dummy, up, down, milk, yes, no and trying to get him to repeat... nada.
He does shake his head if you ask him to say no... but he laughs when you actually say no to him seriously!! So yeah, head shakes, clap hands and if hes in the mood he'll stick out his tongue if you ask where it is.
Oh, and were due chicken pox within a week! (Hoping sooner so he's def all better by his birthday, we want to go out for the day!)

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