Quick question!

9 weeks so far.
The nausea is terrible and I have been very close! But so far its very bad morning, noon and night nausea. x

Hi Charliebear! Wow all the way through the day is not good! You poor thing! Have you found anything that is helping to stave off the 'main event' as it were? Sarah mentioned ginger biscuits earlier so i'm definitely going to try that! xx:)
I started being sick at 7 weeks, and it was constant until 12 weeks.
It then eased a bit but was still pretty bad until 14 weeks.
Then it was once or twice a week until I was 16 weeks. And I still get the occasional morning sickness now x

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Thanks Jayjay! Sounds like the first trimester wasn't much fun! I bet you're so glad to be out of it now! So, about 9 weeks of sickness all in all! Cripes!! What did you find helped you get through it? xx

The only thing that helped was time.
I was hospitalized and given a cyclizine injection and cyclizine tablets, which eased the sickness a little bit, but it just got better itself over time x

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I was doing great but I've got/had horrendous nausea since yesterday. I've not been sick, but I can't stomach any smells, moving to quickly, being in the car or eating anything that smells.

I've had it constantly including eing awake half last night unable to sleep feeling sick, it's all consuming and I'm exhausted already.
I had nausea for most of tri 1 but never actually sick with it.

Urgh don't tell me that! I literally can't find anything to give me any relief. I was hoping it would pass quickly. I'm to grotty to even walk the dog!
I must be one of the lucky one's but I have had zero sickness and only the very sporadic and occasional feelings of nausea which were curbed with some water and or a quick snack...

:i get the sicky borky feeling specialy if i thionk about greasy food bork :sick: its worse around dinner time tho very strange i am hoping i dont actualy get the actualy sick in loo bit cos i just hate beeing sick :-/ xx
Carnat you're so lucky!

I had occasional mild nausea from about 4+3 weeks, more severe night/morning nausea from 6+3 weeks, and full on morning vomiting and all-day nausea from 9 weeks. Here's hoping it passes soon!
Carnat you're so lucky!

I had occasional mild nausea from about 4+3 weeks, more severe night/morning nausea from 6+3 weeks, and full on morning vomiting and all-day nausea from 9 weeks. Here's hoping it passes soon!

I am lucky with the sickness but since my BFP I've been suffering with a reoccuring gum infection and have spent a lot of time in absolute agony.

In Tri 2 I need to have a tooth removed and I also need some hospital treatment for my gums as they are looking like early stages of gum disease :shock:

I'd happily swap this for sickness :shock:

(my gum issues are not caused by pregnancy but are being exacabated by it!)

I wouldnt say I have had "morning" sickness per say. I started at about 8 weeks ish i think with a general feeling of nausea. Very weak stomach and the slightest thing would make me bolk. The worst triggers for me was walking into a supermarket (?!) and the thought of chicken. BOLK BOLK BOLK!!!!

I am still bolking badly quite often, but not as bad as I was before.
Carnat you're so lucky!

I had occasional mild nausea from about 4+3 weeks, more severe night/morning nausea from 6+3 weeks, and full on morning vomiting and all-day nausea from 9 weeks. Here's hoping it passes soon!

I am lucky with the sickness but since my BFP I've been suffering with a reoccuring gum infection and have spent a lot of time in absolute agony.

In Tri 2 I need to have a tooth removed and I also need some hospital treatment for my gums as they are looking like early stages of gum disease :shock:

I'd happily swap this for sickness :shock:

(my gum issues are not caused by pregnancy but are being exacabated by it!)


look at you at 9 weeks Mrs!!!! time is flying in. You will be over in Tri2 with us in no time! x
Carnat you're so lucky!

I had occasional mild nausea from about 4+3 weeks, more severe night/morning nausea from 6+3 weeks, and full on morning vomiting and all-day nausea from 9 weeks. Here's hoping it passes soon!

I am lucky with the sickness but since my BFP I've been suffering with a reoccuring gum infection and have spent a lot of time in absolute agony.

In Tri 2 I need to have a tooth removed and I also need some hospital treatment for my gums as they are looking like early stages of gum disease :shock:

I'd happily swap this for sickness :shock:

(my gum issues are not caused by pregnancy but are being exacabated by it!)


That sounds horrid :( I can imagine having any MS on top of that would be almost unbearable. Hope it's sorted soon.
I have been having bad nausea for nearly 3 weeks now - only thrown up once tho' but that mostly because I refuse to throw up the food I've worked so hard to eat! Just sticking to really plain foods and eating little and often sometimes seems to help.... God, it seems like it's never ending tho! xx

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