Questions about vaginal births vs c-sections

Oh god & no I don't wee or poo myself either!!!

It was only once honest Im embarrassed now ill put it down to surgery messing with my system its under control ish now I do have to run for the toilet sometimes though in terrible pain. Its not great but I don't think people really tell you the truth in person about all the ins and outs of pregnancy but on here its fine we have no shame! xx
I've had 6 children already and pregnant again I have a pretty gd body even after 6 natural births my pelvics were fine till I had my 6th baby but I had to have emergency op to manually remove the placenta or I would have died so I'm told, so needed a spinal block and a catheter I hated it afterwards no feeling in my bottom half and since then yes I have a weak bladder but I think that's more from having a doctor elbow deep :shock:up my foofoo trying to remove my placenta and I mist certainly have not pooped myself ever! , childbirth is the most natural thing ever and if u do ur pelvics afterwards there ain't no reason why u will have a weak bladder or have a bucket fanny , I have no problems with that after 6 births, I have thought about having elective section this time due to what happend last time with placenta I'm a little scared but after reading up on it and not liking the idea of a scar and risk of infection and my tummy just not looking the same I'm going for natural again and putting everything in the hands if the doctors and midwives and I'm sure it won't halogen again but if it does they will at least be prepared this time x
I think it's really hard as every person feels different and we all have our own opinions on what's right for us. I didn't want a c section at all - was so far removed from the home hypnobirth I wanted but baby was breech and had other ideas.

I didn't find a c section terrible, scar is neat, baby was with me from delivery and no infection etc. the only thing that was bad is the long recovery as it's bloody annoying not being able to lift or drive! All the natural labour ladies on the ward were about and about far quicker. Saying that they seemed in worse pain than me on the post natal ward so I guess every delivery has it's pros and cons.

I would defo try for a natural birth next time but only due to recovery limitation rather than the section itself.

I'm a firm believer of do what's right for you (assuming you would be allowed a section) x
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The baby is much more at risk with a section. Coming down through the birth canal squeezes fluid out of their lungs and provides them bacteria that helps prevent food allergy and asthma

So having a section for a non medical or psychological reason is just selfish in my opinion and should not be available free on the NHS. If your too posh to push then fine, pay for it privately.
I agree what others have said about pregnancy itself changing your body, despite how you gave birth!

I don't agree with major abdominal surgery for no medical reason, but that's me! How nature intended! Why would you want to be hobbling around for weeks in pain not being able to lift things and drive and do stuff for yourself? I had 2 vaginal births and within hours of birth was walking around as normal and could lift my own baby and push my own baby's prams etc....... fair enough yes I do have a bit of a wee issue, lol. But I wouldn't have a c-sec to prevent that! never had a problem with feelings in my bits and DH always said I felt just as tight or tighter when dtd!

I think you need to research the effects of a c-sec also on the body and lasting effects - the tight scar with fat flobbing over the top, infections in scars, future pregnancies with risk of uterine rupture etc etc.....
I've just read the thread by carnat suggested and there are some very valid points but you'll have to skip past the nasty comments in there!

I've said it before, personally I can't understand why anyone would want to elect to have a c-section. It is honestly the thing I want least in the whole wide would be my worst nightmare to be awake on an operating table. That being said, if they tell me it's best for the baby I will not hesitate.

I know it was said in the other thread that it's your choice now and you can elect to have one but I'm curious what would everyone do if the choice wasn't there?

Obviously this post is not intended to offend people, I'm entitled to my opinion like everyone else is xx
Like a lot of people here I would never choose to have a c-section. I gave birth 4 weeks ago now and had a very complicated birth but I am still glad I never had a section. They offered me the choice of a section or a forceps delivery as my baby had twisted himself so I couldn't push him out and he had inhaled meconium so needed to get him out asap. I am so happy that I decided to do forceps. While it was not the ideal delivery I have more or less fully recovered even with stitches and a third degree tear and I know with a c section the recovery would take longer. My water works went back to normal a few days after birth and I generally don't have any problems with weeing!

Obviously everyone is different and only you can make the decision but even with all my complications I would pick vaginal birth everytime.
I have to have a c-section because my baby is breech and I am dreading it, it's honestly something that I would never choose, why put yourself through surgery if there is no need? C sections for medical needs are fine but if you just want one I don't think that's right. x
Ill just add to back up lynds77 my baby was born with wet lung even though I had a natural birth due to pushing her out too fast, anyway having a baby wisked away from you put in an incubator... nothing can prepare you for, if that had happened because id had a section I couldn't have forgiven myself, knowing it happened naturally on only gas and air I knew id given her the best chance of not having complications so where guilt free xx
I just can't see how it's feasible for people to have a c section with no medical need? I mean surely it would impact on the emergency sections (from a staffing/cost perspective) and how can that be right. I don't know, I know it's an emotive subject but some poor women don't even have access to medical help and we are fortunate to have a system that provides us with everything we need (not necesserily 'want') for a safe delivery and lots of options for pain relief etc. It's enough for me knowing it's best for baby to be born naturally and think there is too much focus on other issues..

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