I agree what others have said about pregnancy itself changing your body, despite how you gave birth!
I don't agree with major abdominal surgery for no medical reason, but that's me! How nature intended! Why would you want to be hobbling around for weeks in pain not being able to lift things and drive and do stuff for yourself? I had 2 vaginal births and within hours of birth was walking around as normal and could lift my own baby and push my own baby's prams etc....... fair enough yes I do have a bit of a wee issue, lol. But I wouldn't have a c-sec to prevent that! never had a problem with feelings in my bits and DH always said I felt just as tight or tighter when dtd!
I think you need to research the effects of a c-sec also on the body and lasting effects - the tight scar with fat flobbing over the top, infections in scars, future pregnancies with risk of uterine rupture etc etc.....