I had said i wouldn't have any drugs and would use the birthing pool but i had to be induced so my plan went out the window, i started panicing from the pain, there's no way I'd have managed without it!
My body is weird so it was too successful - i have a medical condition that means i don't respond to aesthetics like "normal" people. The local they put in before hand wasn't left long enough to work even tho my body needs longer to go numb from it, so i felt more of the epidural going in than i should have. The epidural itself though, i respond to much much quicker. I was told 10 to 20 mins to take effect, mine worked in 3! 2 hours after it went in, they realised i couldn't feel anything below my boobs as i had responded so well. They had to turn it off before my heart and lungs were also numbed. After another 2 hours it had worn off enough that i was just starting to feel contractions so it got put back on, in time to examine me and for me to start pushing.
I could still feel a lot of pressure so i was able to push effectively (40mins) but had no pain except the head crowning. I think its a pity that labour isn't more predictable as id happily have it that low towards the end again!
I think I have this condition, local anaesthetic doesn't work unless I have loads. I could feel the epidural going in. When I was in surgery they gave me a drug to make my womb contract and it made all my muscles contract so my jaw locked and I couldn't breathe cos my ribcage was contracting. I've never had an explanation but I have an uncle who went in for surgery and wouldn't fall asleep with the general anaesthetic so my mum thinks I'm like hiim. I mentioned it before my epidural and he said hed never heard of anyone being resistant to anaesthetic