Pregnant with PCOS


Active Member
Feb 6, 2005
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I just found out I am 6 wks pregnant and i have PCOS, I caught pregnant whilst taking metfomin, my doc says I should now stop taking metformin but after a lot of research on the internet, i have found out that most people mainly in america keep taking it as it reduces the risk of miscarriage - which i suffered in Nov 2004 not taking metformin - does anyone have an idea about taking metformin whilst pregnant and what harm it could do if any to the unborn baby???
Hi! I am new to this website, but I wanted to share my story with you. My DH and I were ttc for 1.5 years. I also have pcos. We tried clomid, which never worked. I never even ovulated on it. I am also taking a prenatal vitamin, baby aspirin and metformin. We recently did an iui cycle in january with injectibles, and I became pregnant on the first try. I am still very early only about 3 weeks or so. My RE also took me off of the metformin which makes me concerned as well. How is your progesterone level? What about you HCG levels in the beginning?
Even though i lost a baby in November the doc told me there is no need to take my progesterone levels and my hcg levels, and i am 6wks and 3 days pg, but i have got a mid wife appointment tomorrow so i will ask them to run these test on me - just hope it's not too late, have you tried another side everyone on there has polycystic ovaries and so far it has opened my eyes to what needs to be done, most people on there are still taking their metformin - some without doc permission, and they swear by it...
I have been to the soulcysters site before, and it is wondweful! Many of them say that they are still on metformin. When I spoke to my nurse the other day she said the my RE said that I could stop it now.. I asked her why doesn't it help prevent miscarriages, and she said it helps with egg quality. She said that sometimes the RE keeps certan patients on the metformin longer, but that I didn't have too. It did not ease my mind any. I am still worried.
I went to the hospital just for a check up as I wanted them to monitor me a little more, they did an ultra sound and a vaginal scan and they said that everything was fine and baby had good strong heart beat - i was so pleased, they even gave be a scan photo. I asked the question about Metformin and yet they couldn't really give me an answer - so far everyone i have spoken to haven't a clue - i hope you have had better luck with this one, i have another appointment next week to make sure baby is growing cannot wait...
sorry forgot to mention they still have not taken my progesterome levels or hcg saing no need to after seeing strong heart beat uummmm - not sure what to make of that - i would have rathered they done them.
thats great news on your scan. you must be so excited. i would still ask them for a beta and progesterone level, that is very important, espically the progesterone because that allows you to carry the pregnancy until the placenta takes over. i go for my first scan tomorrow and am very nervous. i hope everything goes ok. let me knpw how everything goes.
Let me know how your scan goes - bet you are really excited to see your baby on the screen, I will ask the hospital to take my progesterome levels but i am just wondering if it would be too late as they will not see me now until my next appointment and thats not until two weeks away. Nausea has finally started up nothing major i just get a little quesy after i have eaten. Hope everything goes all right with your scan.
my scan went good, I think. They were able to see the gestational sac, but no yolk sac yet. I am 5 1/2 weeks so I don't know if you should be able to see the yolk sac yet. Do you know? My levels sem to be good so far (beta and progesterone). I have to go back next friday 2/25 for another scan, the doctor said that we should be able to see the heart beat by then, so I am very excited but nervous as well. I hope everything goes ok you know? I have not gotten any morning sickness yet. Let me know how your scan goes too.
you are still early so i don't think they can see anything as when i went in the doctor told me don't be disapointed if you cannout see much as you are still early and i am 7 weeks ish, so at 5 1/2 weeks i don't suppose you would be able to see much. But good news on you beta and progesterone levels they were fine. I haven't got much morning sickness, i just get a little quesy after food but not all the time, personally sometimes i think it's all in my head willing it to come - lol, but i still haven't got sore bbs or anything like that so i wouldn't worry to much about not having any symptoms, just try and relax and look forward to your next scan..
I was doing some research on the internet, and they said that the yolk sac should be present at about 4.5-5.5 weeks of pregnancy, so when they didn't see mine I was very nervous, but of course forgot to ask the doctor about that. They didn't seem to be bothered by it I guess. I just have to follow up on Friday and see what happens. Hopefully everything will be normal. My bbs have been sore since the iui, isn't that weird? If you don't mind me asking, how far along were you when the lost the baby back in Nov.?
I started spotted at about 11 wks went for an ultra sound and they said the baby show 7 wks and they could not detect a heart beat, i roughly knew then something was wrong but didn't give up hope was put on bed rest and then two weeks later 13wk and 1 day i had the miscarriage obviously my body didn't want to let go, this why this week i am so worried but trying to relax in the mean while as this is where it all went wrong last time.
Wow, sorry for your loss that must have been devestating. I can understand why you must be so nervous. Were you 7 or 11 weeks along? I am feeling so nervous too because I told you they didn't see the yolk sac yet. I guess we shall see on Friday. Pray for me please. Also, you take it easy too. I still get cramps on and off like menstral cramps. Do you have any of this? Everytime I ask them, they say it is normal???? Who knows!
In answer to your question i was 11 wks along when I started spotted, the baby died at 7 wks. I will prey for you, and i think the menstral like cramps are fine - just as long as you are not spotted. I get them now and again but not that often now. I was told they were normal also. I am trying to relax at every opportunity. And i prey you see everything you want in your next scan - heart beat, yolk sac. I am sure everything will be fine.
I'm so worried, this morning I woke up with spoting and cramps, so I went to the doctors and they did an ultrasound. The gestational sac was still present with a yolk sac that was visable. They said that they can see the blood on the ultrasound. So far it is only brown in color. I hope that it does not progress. They told me take off the rest of the day and tomorrow. They want me to come back Friday for another scan and bloodwork. They said that they want to be able to see a heartbeat on Friday. I'm sooooo nervous, but trying to relax the best I can. I don't want to lose this baby!!
I am sorry to hear that you are spotting but try not to worry many women spot during the first trimester and go on to have a healthy baby. Just try and relax. The good thing is you did see the yolk sac when you went to have a scan where as they did not see that before - so fingers crossed that you will see your babys heart beat. I will prey for you. Good Luck..
thanks for your positive outlook. my spotting has stopped for now, but I still have the cramping. I hope this is normal. It seems like many women have the menstral type cramps, and that is exactly what I have. I am still on bedrest as per doctors orders until tomorrow. I am very anxious for my scan on friday. Hope all goes well .
I just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow i will be thinking of you, I have changed my scan date to next tuesday instead of next thursday as i am also very nervous and need to know if my baby is alright
Thanks! I will let you know how everything goes when I get back form my appointment.
well I went to the RE today, and they were able to detect the heart rate at 137 bpm. He was not able to hear it, but he picked up the waves on doppler. He seems to think everything is right on target and they want to see me in one more week.

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