Pregnant with PCOS

Went to early pregnancy unit today had both vaginal + normal scan says im too early only around 5 weeks says she thinks she can see signs of an early pregnancy but unsure got to go back tom for more blood tests to see if they are going up or coming down still getting stomach cramps and abit of brownish blood only when i wipe anyway also told today that i have (ill tell you in my terms not docs) 2 wombs, which may be why im bleeding and miscarried before but they are a little worried because they dont know if im carrying on the correct side cause if on other i will miscarry and also they are worried that i may be having an ectopic which they want to rule out anyway they say that if my hormone level as risen that they will book me in for another scan but if it maintains (sign of ectopic of carrying on wrong side of womb) they will keep me in or if lowering sign of miscarriage so ive had a nice birthday so noone knows and im still no wiser and wont be until after weekend (going to be a long weekend)
Wow - 2 wombs I have never heard of that before. I really hope everything goes alright for you. Please keep us posted.
Hello, sorry. Me, I'm fine found out last week I'm having a baby boy.
Hi eveyone. I have PCOS and I conceived last april but I misscarred at two and half months. I think I am preganant again and I tested today but as of now I am only two days late on my Monthly. Should I follow the consumer reports and wait till I am ten days late and test again? :P My systems are getting worse and today I was naused all day I just vomited a little bit ago. :P
Hi Goldeneyes, just to let you know i tested when i was four days late, and it came up with a very faint line, i then went to the doc's and they did a pregnancy test there which came up positive, you could wait a couple more days, this will give you a more precise result. Good luck and keep us posted!
Hi I'm new to this forum! I have just found out that I am pregnant and have been taking 850 mg of metformin 3x a day for the past year. My endo has told me that I absolutely must continue the metformin for the first 3 mths as it will help prevent miscarriage.

I tested 2 days after my (sort of never can quite tell, you know what i mean) due date and got a positive! I then tested 5 days later just to make sure and got another positive! :D

I am absolutely paranoid about miscarriage and wondered if anyone else felt the same?

Dear looplou
Let me firstly congratulate you on becoming pregnant. I too stayed on metformin but only 500mg daily up until i was thirteen weeks without my doctor knowing because they advised me to come off it but i read so much info about how it helps to prevent miscarriage i decided to stay on.

I think every expectant mother worries during pregnancy I know I did and still do. (counting the weeks until next anti natel visit-lol)

Just try and relax and enjoy being pregnant!!!
sukisues thanks for the congrats. I'm not telling any friends i'm pregnant yet so its really nice to be able to share here!

I saw my endo yesterday and he has reduced my metformin to 850mg twice a day. He's booked me in for blood tests at 12 weeks 16weeks 18 weeks and 24 weeks already! I think i'm going to feel like a pin cushion after all of this!

I do worry alot but I guess thats normal, like you say!

Hello everyone,

Just a quick question, I am experiencing a tickeling sensation on my tummy, and it moves all around the place, is this the baby moving or just my imagination??

Hope everyone is well.

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