Pregnant with PCOS

That is really good news I am so happy for you. Bet you were really excited and relieved when you saw the baby's little heat beating away. Hopefully when i go back to the hospital I will have the same good news.
I have just come back from the doctors and everything is ok, they saw the baby heart beat again and they said it was strong. They said everything was fine and that i didn't need to go there again, but if i think something is wrong to phone straight away. I even got another scan pic, it looks as though the babies in a cocoon - lol. I am just to excited now and maybe now i can stop panicking and enjoy being pregnant..
sounds really good. I am so happy for you. Just relax and enjoy pregnancy. I have my appointment on Friday so I'll let you know how it goes!!
Hi im nearly five weeks pregnant also with pcos, im not on any treatment though, anyway how r u both doing :D
Congratulations on your pregnancy linzi31.
Did you concieve naturally i.e no Metformin or Clomid?? If you did well done you!! Is this your first pregnancy??? I am fine 8 wks and 5 days pregnant (roughly give or take a couple of days), it's weird I only feel sick after I have eaten otherwise I am fine and that comes and goes. Its so nice to see someone else who has PCOS conceiving, so again Congratulations!!!
Hey everyone, well I had my ultrasound yesterday and it went great. I am a little more than seven weeks along. I was able to see the heart beating, and an outline of my baby. It was so amazing!! My RE is releasing me now, and I go back to my regular OBGYN on march 16th. I am somewhat nervous because my next ultrasound won't be until about week 20 or so they said. Until then I will just cross my fingers and hope that all goes well till then.
Congrats on seing baby's heart beat again! I am not showing yet, but I already have a pot to begin with hehe!! I feel as though some of my clothes are getting a bit snug but thats about it. Can't you have another ultrasound done at 13 or so weeks.... I know I am having one then and one again at roughly 20 weeks. But I am so impatient I would have one every week if I could. Have you started having any symptoms yet!!! Were you able to get a scan photo of your baby, I got three, two when I was about 6 wks and then again last weeks it's amazing how much it had grown!! Even though they still can't say how far gone I am, going by LMP 9 wks and 1 day but going by scan they say about 8 1/2 weeks so I will have to wait until another scan. Speak to you soon!!!
Well my first obgyn app. is on march 16th, so I will find out for sure when I can have my next ultrasound. I hope it will be sooner than 20 weeks. I am so impatient too. I wish I could have a scan done every week too. It just eases your mind. When is your due date? Mine is October 20th. I am not showing yet either. Well I am only 7 weeks. The only symptoms I have is tender breasts (but they really don't hurt as much as they did in the very beginning) and I often get menstral type cramps. Those are the only symptoms. I have no morning sickness at all. I read that if you don't have the morning sickness by now, then most likely you won't get it. Although, everybody is different. What about your symptoms? What state do you live in? Chat soon!!!
I haven't really got tender breast, just if you poke them (to see if there tender) they hurt a little, but that might be due to me checking so often - lol. I have the occasionally sickly feeling, after I eat mainly but that comes and goes as well, they say my EDD is round about 7th October but i will not know for definate until I have my first antinatal scan- the dating scan!!. I Live in the UK, in Wales. Bye for now!!
I was just reading all the posts. I just wanted to say hi and congrats to everyone. I also have PCOS at least my doc tells me so. My doc also told me that if I wanted to get pregnant I would have to go in for some "help" well I was gonna go in for some help around May time or so but it doesn't look like I need to do that after all, as my Christmas gift to my husband was a positive pregnancy test. Just thought I would share.
Congratulations Tanisha for falling pregnant without 'help' and proving your doctors wrong.
Hi everyone sorry for not getting back to you, im nearly six weeks pregnant now and yes i did conceive naturally abit scared though last year thats when they found out i had pocs i conceived naturally again but lost the baby thats when they found the cyst on my ovary, anyway only feeling sick after eating a meal, keep getting abit of lower back pains and cramps every now (do your get these) and my breast feel really tender, had abit of bleeding last week doc says nothing to worry about because it stopped. this is my 3rd pregnancy have one child aged 8, anyway hope your all alright speak to you soon
Started having realy bad cramps last night and then started spotting pickish in colour that bad i had to have paracetamol anyway this morning still spooting brownish colour still have cramps and lower back ache i am nearly six weeks what do you think, do you think im miscarrying, doc just says bedrest, that it :( would be too early to see anything will send me for a scan in weeks time. anybody else had this
Some people do spot in early pregnancy and right through without any complications and no harm to the baby. But if I was you I would demand to have an ultra sound done, at 6 wks i was able to see my baby and see the heart beat. I was pregnant back in November and started to spot only slightly (when I wiped after using the toilet), I was 10 1/2 wks pregnant, I went for an ultra sound and the baby had stopped growing at 7-8 wks, I was put on bed rest for two weeks but unfortunately two days before i was due for a scan i miscarried I don't want to alarm you but I thought I would share my story, keep on at your doctor for them to see you if only to put your own mind at ease.
My husband took me to A&E they took my bloods and sent me to the early pregnancy unit, i had to have an internal they think it may be a vaginal infection took some swabs and said they would let my doc know, book me in tom (my birthday) for a scan and some more blood tests still getting cramps and lower bachache and just brown blood when i go to toilet, anyway started feeling really nausea which i hope is a good sign anyway let you know what happens im keeping everything crossed and hoping for the right birthday present.
Happy Birthday for tomorrow. I hope everything goes all right I will be thinking of you. Could they see anything when you had and vaginal ultra sound??? Keep me posted

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