First Clomid cycle with PCOS


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
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Hiya Girls,

I am due to start my first cycle of clomid on CD3, that is, once AF finally arrives and I can get to CD3! Have any of you been on Clomid? I have a question or 2....

My gyno has told me that on CD12 or 13 I have to see her again so that she can have a look at my ovaries and see what they are doing. What will happen after that though, will she then tell me which days DH and I should BD? Know that I will find out the answer to this on my next visit, but am curious now.

Also, how successful is it, of course taking into account that every woman is different?

I only found out 3 days ago that I have PCOS and I am taking duphaston to bring on AF and Glucophage Metformin. Is this the same for all PCOS sufferers?

Thanks for any help...being new to this I am pretty clueless! :)
Hi Hun i was on clomid 3 times for IUI
I ovualted normal it was dh that had poor swimmers but could still get me pg they just needed
a little help to swim up there they felt by giving me clomid it is also giving me a head start
giving me more of a chance to get pg with more eggs ,

Clomid gives you bad night sweats really bad hot flushes so get ready for thesa
i had a fan beside my bed in winter :rotfl:

They will scan you to check you have lots of follicels which is sacs that produce eggs in
and just to check your ovarys are ok because your on drugs that make your ovarys
work over time its just to see everything is ok and that your not producing to many
they will check the size of your follicels if they are 18mm to 22mm then they will give you
a hcg trigger injection to get your eggs ready for ovulation but if you have to many eggs
of that size then they can cancel cause you can be at high risk of having multiple
pregnancys ..

If all is well then onec they give you the hcg they will tell you when to have intercourse
i hope you get your bfp good luck hun :hug:

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