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It's the HV who voted you off and we need to find out who they are!!! Hmmm x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
i know why i was voted off , cos i was sussing someone out and obv hit where it hurt, i take it that means they vote off their biggest threat first so really i should take it as a compl;iment!! :D xx
I certainly didnt vote you off! firstly i am a lovely mummy and secondly I have been busy :bd: with DH ;) Got 7 months of catching up to do :) Sorry TMI just wanted to share!!!
I certainly didnt vote you off! firstly i am a lovely mummy and secondly I have been busy :bd: with DH ;) Got 7 months of catching up to do :) Sorry TMI just wanted to share!!!

Likely excuse! haha ;-) (nah seriously... I know you've 7 months of catching up to do ;-)) Hope you enjoyed your shagathon! :rofl: xxx

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
So do you know who the HV are your mayorness?!
Unfortunately no I'm on the mummies side x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
I can confirm your town mayor isn't aware who the hv's are :)
Aww bless u having a shagfest! Me n demba just made up aswell :bd: after 2days argument

Remember the hvs knows who's mummys, so the will vote for us n gang up on a mummy to make her look guilty. For example let's say chaz n zoe was hvs n decided between them to pick on someone n then vote on that person, us mummys will easily get persuaded to follow them.

Chhaz n zoe you know there is loads of love between us really that's why I know u guys won't be offended if I use you in my examples :whistle:
Not me hun, I do reckon you would have been a fab at this game! I bet i'm crap. We'll soon see tomorrow.
That was for piglet, i'm so slow lol
Good job we all like each other, otherwise this could get personal! :)
I reckon you have to think that Mamafy will have given hv role to the obvious people or will she use reverse psychology??? This is fun :) but also disconcerting to know that all those hv's know who everyone is and are talking behind our backs-thats just not nice!
Right ive finished expressing my breastmilk for my baby (so hv dont get me!) so off to try and convince DH to continue shagathon!!! ;)
Good job we all like each other, otherwise this could get personal! :)
I reckon you have to think that Mamafy will have given hv role to the obvious people or will she use reverse psychology??? This is fun :) but also disconcerting to know that all those hv's know who everyone is and are talking behind our backs-thats just not nice!
Right ive finished expressing my breastmilk for my baby (so hv dont get me!) so off to try and convince DH to continue shagathon!!! ;)

you are trying to work out Mamafy's mind and reasoning?? Good luck with that :rofl:
where's Kay126 been today then? Kay - you've been very very quiet???? ;-) xx
I love how cloack and dagger this is. It's more of an epic that eastenders!!

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