health visitors

luckily we egt a letter off the surgery saying that her jabs are due and that we should phone to make an appointment, i guess we are one of the lucky ones on here then i man we didnt have a good relationship with our hv and she was very patronising and made me feel like sh!t but at least she came i suppose i should be greatful for that lol :D
Mine came 10 days after he was born, told me to get him weighed at the clinic when i want to and then didnt see us again till she did his 6 week check! So unless i go to the clinic i don't see or hear from anyone. Give me a doctor rather than a health visitor any day though!

Speaking of health visitors.. how often do you all get your babies weighed? One hv told me to go every week and one said every 3/4 weeks!?
we go to babyclub whenever we want to know emma's weight but its possible to go evey week if you want, we were only going regular as we wanted emm to weigh enough to go into a front facing car seat now we are not as bothered. we will be getting her weighed on wednesday if we get a chance as its always nice to know as when she was born (she weighed 2lb 15oz) that was one of the milestones to achieve.
I went once a week when he was newborn then once every 2 weeks until he was about 3 months then once a month generally. I missed the last month as I expected HV to come out (like she said she would!) so I'll take him back probably this week.
The nurse that comes out to me has phoned her twice but HV still hasnt bothered contacting me :roll:

Rachel, they make me laugh you know. They always say "Its your choice" about the injections but its not really. My mate in wales refused the MMR and they wouldnt leave her alone :shakehead:
The HV came round for a home visit when LO was 10 days old, then saw the HV again for LO's 6 week check-up. Have not had any contact with HV since. I was told that my area has scrapped the 8 month check-up, so not due for another review until LO turns 1. When I take LO to the baby clinic for weighings, they expect the parents to do the weighings themselves, so again, I have no contact with the HV. Which suits me fine, like others have said, I find my HV not helpful at all.
Contrary to all you guys, I LOVE my HV! She's a lovely Granny (but only in late 40s/early 50s) and is so so friendly and helpful. I live in a village and she gets to know all of us and the babies really well and I think she's brilliant.

She runs baby massage classes where the emphasis was on baby massage, but also on meeting other mums and having a sit down and a cup of tea (that she made us) with a biccie and answering all our questions for a good few hours. We went for a 4 week course of classes when DD was 3 weeks old and made a fantastic group of friends with babies, which has been a life saver for us. We also requested (cheeky lot) an under 1s group, where basically we go and see her and drink tea, eat biccies etc once a month and ask her advice and for info on various things.

She has been great with my PND diagnosis, she phones me to see how I am and makes you feel like she really cares. She is going to take me and DD in her car to our local PND support group this month - above and beyond the call of duty. She's a bit indiscreet as she asks you to keep an eye on other mums who are struggling and invite them for coffee or our for a walk - but she does it 'cos she cares, so we tend not to mind.

She makes us feel normal by telling us about when she left her baby outside a shop and how lost she felt as a mum back in her day.

She is always busy, baby clinic is packed and I live in a village with lots of young families so she must have a heavy workload - but I think she is fab! I even bought her a box of chocs at Xmas! :oops:

Valentine Xxx
im the same as valentine i love my hv too i ormally go every 2 weeks and get jayde weighed and its normally packed like i went today and it was heaving , cant fault her to be honest she will answer any question you have
I am glad you have a good support system v & Rach..

I was also allocated a family support worker she went off sick over 3 months ago and have not heard anything since..i give up on the service myself we are doing ok on our own... I got him weighed more regular when i wanted to know he had reched his 20Lbs but now i am happy to get him weighed just if i am concerned

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