Pregnancy Forum Village

And I quote.....
The reason why I think Alice is cuz she's done this before and would have been in charge of the hvs private messaging and that's why she didn't reply on her until later, I voted for her yesterday n if the mummys don't decide someone else she will get my vote tonight aswell.

So you was obviously implying that cos Alice wasnt on as much as some of us then she was guilty. And from that everyone assumed everyone else that hadnt been on must be guilty too... I was just trying to make a point that we cant go on that theory cos it just doesnt work.

*Goes back to keeping her mouth shut*

in my msg above I dont mention anyone else then Alice n only cuz she's done it before n prob would be busy organasing the hvs n that's why she came on the thread when they had revealed there choice.

Also well done for going trough ten or more pages to find my post, sorry it wasn't more "the quiet ones r hvs!!" Like, n I'm suprised u scrolled past everyone else that actually said so.

I thought the point with this game was that we should bring out our thoughts, not taking it so serious it gets personal.
I'm sorry if I upset u when I said I think your a hv, n I'm sorry everyone else if u got upset if i mentioned your name, I have clarely missunderstood the game.
Just seen on your status chick, get the hairdryer on it, hairdryers work on everything!! my brother put his phone in the waching machine and dried it with a hairdryer!!!
Youre completely missing the point so Im not even gonna bother, youre the one taking it all too seriously when I was just trying to make a point
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Take the battery out and put it all in the airing cupboard! That's what I do with my phone
I havent got a problem, I was simply trying to make a point about something to help us win the game, youre not even playing so why are you arguing with me about something if you dont get it? Just forget it now cos youre making a big deal out of nothing

Aww come on girls, please lets not bicker :flower:

Changing subject - I have a treadmill but its in the garage Paid a fortune for it and it never gets used!

Chaz - I didn't know you could take out a battery from an iphone? Or am i being thick?
going to be lost without my laptop :-( its really not looking good :-( we dont have an airing cupboard hun :cry:
If you can get a load of dried rice and a big bowl, stick your laptop in there. Thats what i did with my ipod when it went into a jug of water. Took a couple of days to dry out but its fully working now!
Im not bickering yabadabadooo I was just trying to make a point to help us :(
I'm not playing? I was voted out but I am still a mummy n I'm not aloud to vote but I'm not excluded out of the game so as a mummy n not an evil hv I've got all the rights to still try n help the mummys. All I said was it wasn't my theory n u spend ages goin trough all pages to try n find some thing n all u come up with is the Alice comment.
interesting one about the rice lol just think i'm going to have to face facts and be without laptop for a few days. really hope its going to be ok though as i cant afford another one! :-( x
If you can get a load of dried rice and a big bowl, stick your laptop in there. Thats what i did with my ipod when it went into a jug of water. Took a couple of days to dry out but its fully working now!

Hoe the hell did that work?
Does it work with couscous :rofl:
its my laptop hun not phone lol. i spilt a whole mug of tea over it :-( x

yeah i did it to my laptop, also if you take the battery out and hold down the on button it will release all charge so there won't be anything in it. xx

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