Pregnancy Forum Village

Whats the clue Mamafy???????????? I wanna know, anything to help us out!
Oh and btw if you vote for me tomorrow then your loosing 2 mummies! Sorry!
So 3 have gone, if its wrong tomorrow the hvs can take 2 mummys following day, plus the one they choose tomorrow, so if tor wrong tomorrow, no matter what u will be 6 mums down, that leavs 6 mums n 7 hvs, did I get that wrong?
So if I understand it right ( tottaly wrong) if mummys get it wrong tom, hvs just need to stick together to win?
My heads gonna explode!!! x

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Argh! I totally missed all this! My parents turned up randomly (yes...the house was a mess and I was ashamed :( ) Kay! :hug:

And also, Monkei....this hat tastes goooooooooooood. Sorry I doubted :(

Also...was that the clue mamafy? I dont get I being thick again?
So 3 have gone, if its wrong tomorrow the hvs can take 2 mummys following day, plus the one they choose tomorrow, so if tor wrong tomorrow, no matter what u will be 6 mums down, that leavs 6 mums n 7 hvs, did I get that wrong?
So if I understand it right ( tottaly wrong) if mummys get it wrong tom, hvs just need to stick together to win?

yep :(
Oh! Right, need to tighten up as a proper group and try and agree with each other. I'm with Tiny, vote as one and we may stand a chance! We can't lose 3 tomorrow!!
Ok someone share!

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Only chance is Tiny choose one n all mummys follow n hope for the best :hugs:
I had to choose today! and noone followed. I felt like a plonker. Do people not understand still?
This gets more confusing as the days go by lol so have we had a clue?! x
Tiny what are you thinking... Who shall we vote?

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
Tiny and I have a plan but i don't know when to reveal x
But I cant be 100% certain, we just gotta take a confident swipe and hope for the best. We cant do any better than that!

I think tomorrow, we ALL need to vote for....

ERIN! :muaha:

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