Pregnancy Forum Village

So now u know, hv voted for monkei

N evidence Jenny is a mum for sure

Im so glad someone else can see the logic in this, I was beginning to think I was going mad. Ive said it all along, we were onto something voting for laeys mummy and they managed to gang up and vote for monkei, but also convinced some of the mummies to vote for her too :doh:

now behave mummies, or we're all gonna end up staring at centile curves all day long cos there will be so many bloomin HVs around this village!
:wall2: were so gonna lose. If we get it wrong tomo do we lose two?

Yes I was just about to remind mummies that if they fail to suss out a HV tomorrow they will lose 2 mummies :(
This is getting so hard, we really need to get rid of some hvs as theres going to no mummies left If we carry on like this! x
I think I'm gonna grab my babies and run away cos you all think I'm a hv now :(
Holy guacamole I've just realised it was Kay who went :(

Totally OT but my child is crackers am sat here saying oops farted and he's crying with laughter!!!! Strange boy
but you'll still be in the game if you get voted and youre a mummy. And everyone will believe you, its quite nice actually :smug:

Okay, so Erin's just as good as admitted she was the HV holding us all up :rofl:

can we pleaseeeee all agree to vote for the same person tomorrow?! I dont mind if one of the other revealed mummies wants to decide who. just has to be a reavealed one so we know we can trust youre not a HV.
:'( I hate this so much damn you HVs !!!!!

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
I'm not a HV, but if I reveal what I'm thinkin it'll give them an edge! I'll reveal all of M can confirm it's been done!

Please share, you always know secrets!!!!! Hmmmmm HV?! still :love: ya though
but you'll still be in the game if you get voted and youre a mummy. And everyone will believe you, its quite nice actually :smug:

Okay, so Erin's just as good as admitted she was the HV holding us all up :rofl:

can we pleaseeeee all agree to vote for the same person tomorrow?! I dont mind if one of the other revealed mummies wants to decide who. just has to be a reavealed one so we know we can trust youre not a HV.

I agree!! I'm with you!! This is it we will find these pesky HVs x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
I agree on voting for the same person i think its the only way we have a chance! x
actually lets let our mayor decide. Respect to your mayorness *bows down*
I honestly having a feeling about munchkin! But people are AWOL and coming in at the end! If were going to do this we need a time all mummies need to be online to discuss this!

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
actually lets let our mayor decide. Respect to your mayorness *bows down*

Your a saint! Your helping alot.. These girls need to be organised! We've got to get these HVs my one save will be pointless soon x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
I honestly having a feeling about munchkin! But people are AWOL and coming in at the end! If were going to do this we need a time all mummies need to be online to discuss this!

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)

I agree but that's really difficult for me cos I'm not sure what I'm doing from one day to the next. I know I'll be out most of the day tomorrow. Could maybe do 8pm?
You know what I think you mummies need a clue :D

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