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I think Im back to trusting munchkin a little which is why your not on my list....but your in reserves for the list!

Paranoid much :blush:
So far you girls seem to vote for monkei more..

I think she's innocent :-/ x

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I have just got back from baby group and shopping so have not had time to come on. I still think Alice is a hv but I think I will go with who tiny thinks
Who does tiny think? x

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I think i trust munchkin, i think alice, monkei and augustmum might be hvs. its hard to know who to trust x
aaahhhhhhhhh its so hard, my mind has gone into overdrive and im thinking way too much now and i cant make sense of any of it to write it down!!!

i think tiny wrote yesterday who she was thinking, i shall have a look, might as well make myself useful!
So far no ones suspected ZMD, yodabo, erin84, Jenny, Stacey & bearsmummy x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
Meh I cant find who she said :(!

But isobel said she thinks alice is a hv and she was sure erin and yabadabadoo are mummies, and since shes a mummy she obviously werent trying to sway us so... im thinking im gonna keep an extra special eye on those three just to see if i can come up with anything. though alice has always been dodgy :rofl:
aaawww thank you to those of you who DO trust me :) You won't be disappointed by that! Lots of :hugs: to you guys :)

Tiggerbounce... I didn't mean anything by mentioning your name... just that you were one of the names I could remember without going back to look at the list :-( I'm not saying you are a HV just that it's possible that the quieter ones could be?
Erm excuse moi but i think youll find YOU suspected me yesterday, dont think ive forgotten missy!!!!!
That was yesterday.. Should I be suspecting you hmmm?? Lol x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
Haha yeah, I thought you'd been suspected Stacey, and also, Erin has been voted so someones a bit suspicious :)
You can suspect me all you like my dear you will still be wrong! I just thought you was trying to dodge the fact you didnt trust me (which im still so not over!)
So far you girls seem to vote for monkei more..

I think she's innocent :-/ x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)

I am hun and im not going to be around now till late tonight going to see the beach boys if it stops raining :)

Im not sure anymore, give me an idea of who to vote for in the next hour as i need to go feed the bubs :) xx
Beach boys? I didn't even know they still existed! Have fun chicken!
LMAO - all the oldies are making a comeback :)

I saw Right Said Fred the other year PMSL ;-)

And, don't think i've not noticed that I've got two votes already... :shakehead:

I'm preparing for my "I told you so" moment later...
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