Pregnancy Forum Village

:rofl: ^^ was that a trick to try and catch one of the HVs being a HV? I like :lol:

Maybe we should all arrange to meet at this thread at a certain time and the ones who turn up late without even apologising are BOUND to be HVs!

And it was me who said about group voting but Im not a bloody HV! Its all gonna be a draw anyway, I wonder what happens then :confused: If the HVs all have votes then they can all agree to vote for one mummy (who they know for sure is a mummy) that would be 7 votes for one person. So if we all have different ideas and give one or 2 votes to other people then a mummy will just be voted every time. Thats my logic! Im seriously not okay with HVs having votes, I think its unfair for this reason!
Tiny - you have just confused me even more :rofl:

Im up for getting drunk too, who cares if its the afternoon?!
Okay, here goes, baby brain translation ;)

We are all voting for a HV to get them kicked out. If we end up voting for a mummy, then the HVs will be able to kick off TWO mummies tomorrow (normally they can oly kick off one per day)

The HVs (whoever they are) are allowed to vote in this thread it seems. So they can all vote for a mummy (cos they know who the mummys are)

So unless we get our asses organised, then the HVs will be able to make sure a mummy is voted for every time. Our chaos is their strength.

that is all.
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Tiny, I like the idea of turning up at the same time but HV's could just turn up too and confuse us even more!
the only thing i understand today is that mushrooms taste rank when you dont cook them in butter :(
If the hvs gang up n vote on a mummy n the mummys don't , is mummys will loose.
I've got an idea - why don't we pick a time like Tiny suggested to all log on and collectively vote. If the HV's try to be sneaky & log on as Mummies too then we will just have to go with the first (is it 7?)* Mummies who have logged on to decide who we should vote out? If we end up voting off a Mummy then we know there is a pesky HV in our midst and we'll be better prepared to vote tomorrow...? The only thing is it means risking losing a Mummy tonight but then hopefully tomorrow we would be able to make it even... What do you think?

Btw, I am giving ample warning they I may not be able to log on between 7-9pm tonight as I'm going to the hospital - so maybe we could log on earlier if poss for the real life Mummies putting their LO's down?

Edit *it's 12 I just checked - so that should be easier in theory...*
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my brain hurts. Ive already voted anyway. I did it last night.
I don't think tiny is a HV x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
I vote for whoever the ."group" goes for I wouldn't do that if I was a hv, n I'm not gonna make a suggestion either.
If the hvs gang up n vote on a mummy n the mummys don't , is mummys will loose.

youre much better than me at explaining, you summed up the whole thing in 1 sentence!!

Alice - youre gonna feel like a fool when you realise that im not. Besides, youre on my HV list. I think youre just trying to cast suspicion to make the mummies vote for me!
Tiny, I like the idea of turning up at the same time but HV's could just turn up too and confuse us even more!

yeah it was kinda a joke cos in real life HVs are always late for everything!:)
I don't thinly Tiny is either. Im still set on Alice
Im up for getting drunk too, who cares if its the afternoon?!

If I had drink in the house I swear I'd be drinking it!


PS I'm still F*******ing ironing *yawn*
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Alice has a lot of votes, I think shes panicking :lol:

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