Pregnancy Forum Village

Kylie - I know I'm meant to be extra nice to you but :slap:

I am not a bloody HV! :dohh:

I know I'm gonna get voted off now...
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omg we MUST have a theme tune, we'll be like 2 vertically challenged detectives taking on the HVs of PF village..

:rofl: *thinks of a theme tune* ;-)

Lol tiny, stace and Jen hv's

I am the TM. Mamafy can confirm this :p x

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Its ok hun... was a joke ;-) YOU are the ONLY one we can be certain on! xx
Lol that's mean your supposed to be nice.. Cause if you get votes off I can save you :p x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
and i accused Jen anyway so we cant both be HV, that would be stupid of me to encourage others to vote for another HV!
Nope I don't know anyone :( x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
Hmm true!!

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
But Tiny could still be a HV & KNOW that I'm a Mummy and she's trying to turn you all against me!
:( some bad news about Annie.. Go to her thread on bfp announcements :( sorry for interruption x

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Stacey I don't think u r I never pointed a finger on u :cry:
There's 7 HVs out there! And so far only 3 have been really outed so who are the rest???

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
Jen dont give me your fake loves, you just said Kylie was onto something with me!! and to think I didnt even pick on you!!! :cry:

Isobel I didnt say you did I was just trying to make a point that other people had done more accusing than me, sorry I picked you to make a point :hug::flower:
I was just wondering about annie as well, poor girl, Im heartbroken for her :hug:
Tiny, I am liking your idea of us mummies sticking together, it is the only way we will beat the HVs
So who do we think are HV's so far then? I thought Alice was the TM yesterday so as she's not then i'm going for Alice as a HV too (sorry sweetie :petal:). I did think of Vix yesterday but i'm not sure, she's quiet in the background....

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