thanks guys!
Still at home with my tens machine and birthing ball. Mostly just standing on my knees leaning my arms and head on the ball.. Hubby starts to think maybe weshould go to hospital but I really don't want to be sent home, plus here we can watch tv series (or he watch and I listen) so that keeps us a bit entertained/distracted at least.
I think it would be too ucomfortable to try to check my own cervix now... so probably just going to wait until the contractions are closer together or until my water breaks and then go.. checked it at around 3 and couldn't quite reach, but didn't seem like much had happened at that point...
Contractions are averaging on about 3min30 sec apart, but some are also a bit under 3 min apart, so things are progressing steadily!
Hubby just went to the store to get me some food (haven't eaten since breakfast) and came home with two different fruit smoothies, a bag of smarties, some haribo stuff, mountain dew, ice cream, four different flavours of yoghurt and 600g pack of cadbury chocolates on sale

And I think he ran cause he came back really quickly. And it's taken me forever to write this as I have to stop writing with every contraction...