Possibly early, early labour?? *Probably early labour* -> LABOUR

Ooooooh! Good luck!! :D

I've just realised I don't actually have the number for triage at my local hospital.... Something I should possibly rectify tomorrow......

Hope things are progressing for you and this is it.
Nonabean, maybe you should get there number, but I guess if you need them you could ask someone to transfer your call xx
Thanks for all the good luck wishes :)
Still contractions, I guess that's what I should call them by now.., regularly, now every 4-5 min rather than 5-6 min.
Going to try to sleep, I don't think I'll be able to, but I could stay at this stage for hours and hours.. so I guess it's worth a try. Will update if anything happens!

I don't have a text buddy or whatever we call it... :P But I have 3g on my phone, so hopefully I'll be able to use that at the hospital whenever I go there!

Night night :)
Thanks! Will start updating in first post from now on to make it easier to see what's going on!
Goos luck lewa. Keep us updated. I'm happy to be your text buddy if you want one. Can always pm you my number x
Thanks becky! I'll take you up on the offer, in case my 3G won't work at the hospital for some reason!
Just read your update! Sounds like things are moving in the right direction! :)
Hehe yes Nic! Hubby woke up so I told him I can't sleep because it hurts a bit and finished the sentence with "yeeeeey!" :P
:) :) :). Must be the only time we are all actually wanting to be in pain!! :)

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