Possibly early, early labour?? *Probably early labour* -> LABOUR

this sounds very promising :) good luck hun, hope its not to long till u meet ur LO xxx
How are things now Lewa?
Hopefully progressed for youx x
Thanks Zoe!
Not much of a progress I'm afraid.. :( Seems to be false labour or just a lot of really strong braxton hicks contractions or something...

Had a midwife appointment at 4pm. Pip's heart beat is good, he's turned from sideways to fack facing my belly, with a leg on each side, and he's head is nearly fully engaged.
We decided I wanted an internal, and the cervix has moved down and forwards, dilated about 1 cm, (could easily get one finger in) and she could feel babies head! So she suggested a sweep, since my body is clearly trying to get things going, and hopefully that will give it the extra push it needs to start up properly... sooo it could take a couple of hours before things progress, a couple of days, or just cool down and stop and he might stay in there another week...

Still having irregular contractions but they're not picking up in speed, although maybe a little in intensity..
I'm veeery sleepy now, so I'm going to sleep a bit again, probably won't be for a long time, and keep my fingers crossed that something "real" will happen soon!
awwww bless you....hopefully it will kick off again soon xx
Awww... How frustrating for you... Hope things get going soon for you. Xx
How frustrating, Hope things pick up again for you. xx`
Nothing grand to report.. The tightenings went away for a little while after I took a nap earlier. OH and I dtd, (on midwife's "orders" :P) and I've been laying down for a while after hoping it will do it's magic! Fell asleep and when I woke up now they are back, quite frequent, but still not painfull...OH is still asleep, and I'll try to get some more sleep in case *fingers crossed* something starts happening tonight.
Sorry nothing else is going on.. :-/ My in laws are getting impatient now, (in a good way of course, but still, almost makes me feel guilty for keeping them on their toes for so long!!)

Oh, and congratulations to Verity!! :D
Hey hun - midwifes orders! Haha. Funny. Hope you feeling ok, it's not going to be long now. Maybe watch something easy like 'friends' make time pass :) xx
Good morning!
I'm pretty sure something will happen this weekend, so I'll keep updating here until hopefully it becomes a proper labour watch thread...

Managed to sleep through most of the night, some irregular contractions(with back pain) but nothing atm. Just went to the bathroom and I think most of my plug came out now! It was clear, snotty, jelly like with a "dirty yellow" tint. Had to wipe like 5 times as there was so much of it. Checked my cervix again, and it seems to be a bit more dilated, could get the tips of two fingers in! So there is some progress, although slow..
Great news that your plug has come out... Definitely feeling you 'll be on your way soon!! Come on out little baby! :-). Good luck! Xx
Eeek...how exciting!!! Seems like things are moving forward for you!!

Got my fingers crossed for you!!!

Seems things are finally moving forward for you then, will keep stalking and hoping this baby comes this weekend :) xx
Thanks girls!! I think you're right.....

here's my current update:

So, risking sounding like an idiot here not knowing what's going on I think I'm actually having contractions now, because these are painful!
We dtd again this morning, a couple of hours ago maybe, and I stayed in bed after to let it all "sink in" lol. The pain now starts in my back rather than lower abdomen, feels like really strong consentrated period pain, then spreads to the front before my belly goes hard. Only happened 4-5 times, so I'm waiting to time them... but I really hope these are real, because if not I'm wondering how much the real ones will hurt! (these make me stop what I'm doing, or make me change position, do some breathing etc... had one right now... ouch

Cosmicgirl-- You're Pregnant!! :D:D I didn't know!!! Congratulations!!! SO Happy for you :D :D Wohoooooo!!
thats how my mum described her contractions hun so it really sounds like theyre starting properly :)

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