Thanks Zoe!
Not much of a progress I'm afraid..

Seems to be false labour or just a lot of really strong braxton hicks contractions or something...
Had a midwife appointment at 4pm. Pip's heart beat is good, he's turned from sideways to fack facing my belly, with a leg on each side, and he's head is nearly fully engaged.
We decided I wanted an internal, and the cervix has moved down and forwards, dilated about 1 cm, (could easily get one finger in) and she could feel babies head! So she suggested a sweep, since my body is clearly trying to get things going, and hopefully that will give it the extra push it needs to start up properly... sooo it could take a couple of hours before things progress, a couple of days, or just cool down and stop and he might stay in there another week...
Still having irregular contractions but they're not picking up in speed, although maybe a little in intensity..
I'm veeery sleepy now, so I'm going to sleep a bit again, probably won't be for a long time, and keep my fingers crossed that something "real" will happen soon!