In Early Labour


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2008
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Back from midwife and turns out waters still intact was probably my hind waters that went!! Anyway MW did a sweep and pulled my cervix forward OWWWW!!! and i am already 2cm dilated, she touched his head and in early labour just not got the contractions to get it all going yet, but she said it should be anytime now :pray: am so excited and flapping around not knowing what to do with myself lol Hoping it wont be days and will be only hours but who know, just a waiting game now.
You beat Clairey and I to it!!!

How exciting :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

C'mon lil bubby Mommy cant wait to meet you!!!

C x
Good luck. Hope things are progressing well as I type this!
Awwwwww bless. :hug:

Good luck hun.

Hope little one decides to pop out sooner rather than later.
Well i'm still here and not very much happening labour wise, so cleo you might overtake me yet!!!

TMI Alert got up this morning and had a pad in as MW said keep one in now incase waters break and went to toilet and my pad was green, i mean this Green
and a fair bit of it, so i'm thinking oh god got an infection now, my MW dont answer phone till about 10am so i rang labour ward for advice and they have told me its a show, and thats often snotty and green and bogey like well i've had some of this and its not like that its more like green discharge but stupid woman wasnt having any of it and told me to put a pad in and ring back if really need too!!

Has anyone else had a show like this or do you think like me that its a infection, i'm off to B&Q in a bit and thought prehaps ring my own MW when i'm back

What does everyone think??

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