Hi ladies, im not sure whether this is an old thread or not, hope some one will read this. Had a sleepless night last night & ended up having a browse around the site when i came across this thread. Its left me abit worried as im itching at the moment, have for a few days but last nights been the worse. I got some sun last week on arms so never took any real notice of it as thought that was the reason but last night i was itching my arms so much i had to get up & put lotion on. My legs arent as bad, would say my feet felt more tickly plus legs get twitchy & jerky in bed at night. Im still having an itch but its not to the extent of yous ladies were im bleeding or marking.
Reason i became alarmed, ive been having months of pain under my right ribs & back. Last time i was at hosp with it my bloods were normal but urine had protein & bilirubin in it. Recent urine was normal again. Im getting a scan of my liver & gallbladder tomorrow as they suspect gall stones, so bit worried that this new itch could be connected?
For those who have had it before, did you have any pain under ur ribs aswell. Im prob being dramatic & its just normal itching but would appreciate your advice. Thanks xx