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So sorry. Sending hugs.
I'm going through miscarriage now and passed the baby last night I'm sure.
So painful and messy.
Sending hugs xx
I went to EPU.

Coil still in place, 8mm away from cervix so app sitting low and not doing its job. She says there is something in the uterus but unsure if it is a pregnancy she says i could have miscarried or its an early one.

Had bloods done and will revisit tmoz. If HCG is 30 and over they will repeat. So back tomorrow for more answers.

Hasnt really helped. Atleast i know i dont have an ectopic and OH knows i didnt have my coil secretly removed.

I think i might have seen something in the sac but also not sure and dont want to dwell on it.

Keep u posted xxx
Have everything crossed hun and glad its not ectopic xx
Glad they are going to test your levels hun, hopefully you will have a clearer picture of situation soon x
Hopefully, could also be waiting until Friday to be told no, only because my test was a strong positive on a 20mui, so if my hcg is already grown to 30, id need another hcg...

Ive taken a half day tomorrow at work.

I am ever so confused though that if the coil is still in place, how would the sac etc pass by that? Id have assumed it would have come out along with - she says if i could feel the strings id be able to pull it myself probably. If its that easy id imagine.

I suppose the longer time goes on the more my hope grows. Which is annoying me because im scared and also believe also to have lost it.

Urgh... Xxx
So sorry your going through this. Have they advised to have the coil removed just in case everything is OK xxx
Ive to leave it in for now. Nurse says its fine there atm.

If i mc i imagine ill get it out or replaced. Not thought that far yet xxx
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Oh hun what a head f*ck for you.

It must be so much to try and process.

Look after yourself sweetheart.

Thinking of you hun.
You must have all sorts of emotions going on. Xx
EPU wrang this morning - my HcG is 2451 so they are rescanning tomorrow as at this level they would hope to see a sac. She did see something, so Im hoping that was bub in there, and the big bleed was perhaps a break through bleed?

Clutching at straws, I know.

Still keeping everything crossed for u thats a gd hcg xx
I was sick this morning... bile. lovely. I hope I dont continue to be sick even if ive mc...

Being sick would usually mean hcg is going up. I'm keeping everything X for u.
Cant imagine how shocked and confusing this must be.
Hoping for the very best outcome xx
Past 3 mornings Ive been sick, not full on sickness but the usual morning sickness I got with Jackson.

I usually wake coughing and cough so much I bring up foam. I went through 9 month of this with J. So I hope also this wont be the same!! :(

But yeah I was sick once then had my bleed and been sick the past 2 mornings since, not full on vomming but still a bit of foamy bile...

Best of luck hun xxx everything crossed for you xxx
Sorry to hear your going through this xx
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Thank you!

Online sucks - Ive been googling all morning that actually alot of girls with the same HCG level as me dont see anything until much leter, or if the HCG is still growing it could be a multiple pregnancy. :shock:

Maybe I should stop reading?

Pretty hard though, at least my scan is early tomorrow...


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