Thank you love, will update once i know anything.
At least its early. Although even if theres nothing visable again they would redo bloods which means waiting till Monday to be told no....
So daunting.
This is the worst bfp ever, one were your shocked, confused and not able to be happy or sad.
Not how I planned my 2nd pregnancy atall, i know I sound selfish its just all overwhelming. Im also thinking so far now into if i am still pregnant whens best to remove coil as i see that can result in mc. Do i do it straight away or leave it in till long and risk a later mc or do i keep it in and risk it going septic or causing the baby problems.
I dont want to go through a whole pregnancy worrying and if i am this had only been 4-5weeks, id have 9m of worry.
I feel like i sound like i dont know what i want, of course i want my baby to be ok and to not have these worries but its hard when ive not got off to the best start.