** 1st tri gatecrasher alert!!!

just wanted to say that when i was pregnant with my Little girl i was also a hairy goat! my belly was covered in LOADS of white downy hair. Also i was always feeling nausous (sp?). i was watching You are what you eat one night and gillina mckeith showed a trayof 35 fried eggs and it made be run to the toilet heaving. Even when i tried to tell my mum about it 3 days later i couldnt tell the story without heaving!
Other popular sex myths are:
1. if you get loads of spots its a girl if you have a beautiful glow then its a boy (true for me)
2. the pillow on you bed faces north (boy or south (girl)
3. Cold feet during pregnancy (boy) feet the same as before pregnancy (girl)
4. if the maternal mother has grey hair (boy) if she doesnt,dyed or natural (girl)
5. dull yellow urine (girl) bright yellow urine (boy)
6. mother has a savoury diet (boy) sweet diet (girl)
there are loads of them, but i'll chose to ignore the ones that say im having another girl
