Old wives tales... True or False?

Show me your bump!!! :)

I'm still tiny and i'm 20 weeks - girls tend to hide I find :D
Vicki83 said:
Your Oh has 14 kids, wow! :o

They are adorable (even the older ones who come and get drunk at the house every wkend. I suppose Ian will be joining his brother here more often having just turned 18).
Vicky_Gazerimmer said:
I was just thinking this morning I have had so many people telling me what gender I am having because of various reasons.

I was wondering for those ladies who have babies or now know their babies gender... where the old wives tales true or false (if they where told any)?

For example I intend on finding out in a few weeks, most people say I am having a girl cause I was very sick in the first trimester.

Anyone heard any others?

I was so so sick in the first trimester Damien, not as bad this time round though at all. I always thought the sicker you were the higher chance of a boy?! These wive tales confuse me - it's like the bump shapes too.

Ice Cream, sounds like a boy to me as alot is the same as Damien's pregnancy, but then you can never tell.

I always thought, all out front bump meant boy and all round everywhere bump meant girl? But some people say it differently? My mum carried the same, ate the same, craved the same thing with me and my brother, so it could just be factors in your life which effect your bump and cravings?
Damien was a girl apparently and it was wrong for my mum 3 times with me, my bro and my sister. :lol:
Says I'm having a boy this time so itll probably be a girl :lol:
I don't mind what I have really I have always said I want one of each so whatever I have this time I don't want next time! :rotfl:
i just did the wedding ring thing..it says in prima baby if it spins to left boy, spins to right girl...ring span left
did lunar thing that said girl
craving fruit more than anything so girl
very sick all through so far so girl

but gut feeling boy? so three weeks till we find out

i am carrying my bump very high so what does that mean?
With DD I was sick as a dog till about 16 weeks and hardly showed but then I was only 19 with an ironing board tum! I only showed with her around 7 and half months then the last 2 weeks when she engaged I went huge.

This one I havent been sick once and started showing very very early and I'm huge but its all front so you cant tell if I have my back to you. Craving sweet things like mince pies and mars bars whereas DD was roast potatoes and gravy. Also the chinese lunar calander is wrong with this one as I'm 33 and conceived in June. Was right for DD though, 19 and conceived in May but then its 50/50 chance!!

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