Old wives tales... True or False?

I was looking at some old wives tales because we didn't want to find out the sex but I do want to guess. There are all sorts out there, like:

if your pee is yellow it's a boy, if it's green it's a girl...

If the dad puts on weight during the pregnancy it's a boy, if not a girl...

If your body hair grows quicker that normal it's a boy, if not a girl...

If you look good during the pregnancy it's a boy, if you don't it's a girl because a daughter 'steals her mothers looks'...

I think with the chinese lunar calendars you're supposed to use your 'chinese' age - can't remember how to work it out, hang on... I'll go check.
To arrive at your Chinese Lunar Age:
I believe the way to calculate it is this:

If you were born from January 1st
- February 20th (inclusive of these dates),
you should use your real (Gregorian/English Calendar) age.
However, if you were born from
February 21st - December 31st (again, inclusive of these dates),
you should add one year to your Gregorian age.

For example, if Linda was born January 12th, 1976,
her Chinese Lunar Age would be 30.
But, if Alice was born on July 7th of the same year, 1976,
her Chinese Lunar Age would be 31.

Does that make sense? Does it make the calendar any more accurate for those that were wrong before?
maybebaby said:
I was looking at some old wives tales because we didn't want to find out the sex but I do want to guess. There are all sorts out there, like:

if your pee is yellow it's a boy, if it's green it's a girl...

If the dad puts on weight during the pregnancy it's a boy, if not a girl...

If your body hair grows quicker that normal it's a boy, if not a girl...

If you look good during the pregnancy it's a boy, if you don't it's a girl because a daughter 'steals her mothers looks'...

I think with the chinese lunar calendars you're supposed to use your 'chinese' age - can't remember how to work it out, hang on... I'll go check.

If my pee was green id go docs lol!
chris put on weight when i carried jaycee (and grew a goatee :roll: )
my hair has slowed growth, i dont remember with jaycee
id like to think i looked good in my pg with jaycee but i avioded mirrors lol! In some pics my face is bloated up huge and spotty so 1 right for me so far. My age would be the same cos im jan24th but they dont do from 17yrs old on the lunar things just from 18 :(
Jayceesmumma said:
maybebaby said:
I was looking at some old wives tales because we didn't want to find out the sex but I do want to guess. There are all sorts out there, like:

if your pee is yellow it's a boy, if it's green it's a girl...

If the dad puts on weight during the pregnancy it's a boy, if not a girl...

If your body hair grows quicker that normal it's a boy, if not a girl...

If you look good during the pregnancy it's a boy, if you don't it's a girl because a daughter 'steals her mothers looks'...

I think with the chinese lunar calendars you're supposed to use your 'chinese' age - can't remember how to work it out, hang on... I'll go check.

If my pee was green id go docs lol!
chris put on weight when i carried jaycee (and grew a goatee :roll: )
my hair has slowed growth, i dont remember with jaycee
id like to think i looked good in my pg with jaycee but i avioded mirrors lol! In some pics my face is bloated up huge and spotty so 1 right for me so far. My age would be the same cos im jan24th but they dont do from 17yrs old on the lunar things just from 18 :(

:rotfl: that's what i thought about the green pee bit :lol: xx
I was told by most people from day one id have a girl!

However, I was not too sick in the first trimester, I felt sick all day but never was sick and I craved salt and vinegar crisps, pasties, ham baguettes etc.

All the old wives tales tests said id have a girl.

My gut instinct was boy...and guess what im having a boy!

Id go with your gut instinct :D
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I read that when i was pg with jc, i was so shocked like 'what else is gonna turn a funny colour?? :shock: '
JaidyBaby said:
I was told by most people from day one id have a girl!

However, I was not too sick in the first trimester, I felt sick all day but never was sick and I craved salt and vinegar crisps, pasties, ham baguettes etc.

All the old wives tales tests said id have a girl.

My gut instinct was boy...and guess what im having a boy!

Id go with your gut instinct :D

Yeah i think majority gut instincts are right!
I wasnt sick just felt sick in 1st tri with my girl, but this time im still being sick :( This time im craving salt n vinegar too
I'm really not sure!

I am craving pineapple,apple,spicy chilli and vindaloo :shock:

My bump is quite high at the mo

what does that indicate to you?

Plus I dreamt that I had a baby girl, up until that point I was convinced it was a boy, I still call it 'him' though!? :shock:
I call mine 'him' all the time too, im not sure on the craving as the majority i dont like lol, but i carried low with jaycee, but then it can just depend on ur frame etc
it's hard to say though as I can't really compare it to last time!

Still, 5 days until I find out :dance:
Yay!! 5 days!! Ive got 5 weeks :lol: Havent even got a date yet :roll:
Is there and preference? Even tho u have one of each already? Which did u find harder to bing up from newborn? Ive heard girls are worse til 2 lol
I was told a faster heart beat (over 150 bpm) is a girl and it sounds like galloping and if it sounds like a train and is slower its a boy, mine were 155ish on average and sounded like a horse and guess wht, i had a girl :)
Jayceesmumma said:
Yay!! 5 days!! Ive got 5 weeks :lol: Havent even got a date yet :roll:
Is there and preference? Even tho u have one of each already? Which did u find harder to bing up from newborn? Ive heard girls are worse til 2 lol

my little girl has always been easier, all of the way through the last 8 years.

i think it's true though what they say that little noys are more mummys boys, my son is very clingy still and my daughter is very independant.

I don't really have a preference though I have seen this lovely little John Rocha dress :)
Manda said:
I was told a faster heart beat (over 150 bpm) is a girl and it sounds like galloping and if it sounds like a train and is slower its a boy, mine were 155ish on average and sounded like a horse and guess wht, i had a girl :)

Mine tends to sound like a galloping horse most of the time... the choo choo train is mine, tho a little slower may I add :)
Manda said:
I was told a faster heart beat (over 150 bpm) is a girl and it sounds like galloping and if it sounds like a train and is slower its a boy, mine were 155ish on average and sounded like a horse and guess wht, i had a girl :)

DSometimes it sounds like a orse, next tme it sounds like a train for me! :lol: Still no bloody clue!! Ah well 5 weeks *sigh*
I taped the heartbeat on my mobile at the midwifes - just timed it & it's about 140 bpm. But I think it sounds like a horse...
My grandmother reckons I am carrying a boy cause all my baby wieght is sitting on my backside (her words not mine lol) But all the tests you can do with the string and ring and other stuff is telling me I am having a girl I have a feeling it is a girl too. I find out in 4 weeks! I am so excited!
It's a girl for me...........I checked on that chart, age & month of conception and that said girl for me!
Well my OH who has 14 children already said to me all of the first tri that becasueI was so sick it was a boy, but then all the women at church reckoned that meant girl.

I think that the cravings and the sickness and other sypmtoms in pregnancy must be something to do with the pregnant woman and how she is built, that's physically as well as how she has lived her life. I thik that just how these many factors about us make us who we are individually they make us who we are when pregnant. There might be some symptoms that are the same for different sexes in the same woman, or even in certain groups of women, but, evidently this does not concur across the board.

I have loved curry while pregnant, and cheese. I crave cakes and don't want fruit (which I eat a lot of so I make sure I force a balanced diet and don't give in to anything too naughty too often). I was very sick in the first tri but have felt great since 19 wks. I have also had the strongest feeling it is a girl since becoming pregnant, but could that be the hormones floating around my not very female self? My bump is all at the front. Not very big yet compared to some (I'm starting to wonder if it is still growing :? ).

Feel free to guess what I'm having as I do not know.

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