Officially in the 2WW

No...i am sure this is it for you, i hope so anyway :D i didnt get my bfp until late, i ov'd earlier than expected and had a long luteal phase so think i was roughly 14dpo maybe more when i tested and got my bfp, but kanga got hers early :) i think it just depends and everyones different, i was late gettin a bfp last time as well grrr lol!! xx
Ur symptoms sound promising Hun, I got the snot cm and still getting the backache and crampy feelings. I got my bfp on 9,10,11 dpo not completely sure on ov day. Got a 1-2 weeks the day after my first lines (10/11/12dpo). Fx for u hun :) xx
Oooh thanks ladies, I also ov'd earlier than I expected to, only by a day or so. I cant pin-point it...despite my efforts but I think either last tues or wednesday. I wonder if I should wait longer to test then. I waited until day of AF last time. I kind of want to keep 'thinking I am' for as long as I can, lol! I am totally ok with living in a dream world, lol!
I am getting a good feeling about my symptoms, I got the snot like CM last time and keep getting weird aches and twinges low down, just off ovary area xx
Try to wait as long as you possibly can.......I promise to be patient :rofl:

Symptoms sound promising :) xxxxxxxxxxx
New symptom to report;

I HATE my perfume :sick: its giving me a headache and making me feel queasy. Would go and have a bath to wash it off but the plumber is here fixing the taps-don't think its a good idea, lol! x

Sore boobs and don't have to pinch them anymore to know :rotfl:
Emotional/moody/fed up
dragging/pulling feeling in uterus area
Odd bubble popping kind of feeling
Tired but finding it hard to get to sleep at night/vivid dreams

Thats it for now...:)
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Ooooooh, almost forgot;

had palpations when in bed last night-i was so aware of my heartbeat, it was so fast and felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I got this last time so fingers crossed xx
things are soundin fab for you lisey wishing u lots of luck hun xx
I've been having same symptoms except for sore boobs x
Ok, so this is the first morning that I have woken up feeling really queasy. I had to come downstairs and lay on the sofa, couldnt eat or drink straight away. Also lots of dizzy spells when I get up (i could be getting up too quick).

These could be AF symptoms as I do get a little queasy and light headed but thats usually only a day or so before. Will stay open minded about these ones.

Also been having a kind of tugging feeling just below my belly button, its a tugging across feeling and back aches-feels very uncomfortable, I had this a couple of days ago too.

These better be symptoms cos I feel like poo xx
Be careful how you get up hun, don't want you keeling over :faint: xxxxxxxxxx
Looks like AF has got me as I've had blood when wiping this evening and I've felt so bloated all day today. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little bit disappointed but I'm more glad that everything is working okay after being on the pill for over 10 years. Roll on my next cycle so we can try again! x

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