October 2018 Testing Thread

I know, is been a terrible experience to me too and it is kind of signed me. Fingers crossed for us princess :dust:
Kind of just realized that OCTOBER is started!!!!!!! Good luck and a lots of :dust: for all of us ladies!!!!!! :yay:
Kitana this is my 5th cycle and that happened on my 3rd cycle. That is odd that the symptoms sound similar. I didn’t get a positive test though and I tested everyday from missing AF! I bled for maybe a day more and thinking about it the first day or two was very heavy - well for me anyway. The backache etc stopped as soon as AF arrived. Who knows I just thought the pains I had this last few days were very much the same to that, but I’m not due AF for another week. I know it’s sad to think it but the more I look into it the more I think there was something a miss that cycle. I hadn’t really got into journaling any symptoms so it’s hard for me to remember any other symptoms - if I even had any!
I’m sorry to hear of your chemical, & suspected. It is hard all of this isn’t it. I’m glad I can talk on here about it directly. X

So sorry it's been getting you so down, but 5 cycles really isn't that long hun! You really need to get to know your body and read the signs before you can even pinpoint ovulation. What app are you using now?x
Yes it is October! Good luck everyone this month! Any testers yet?! And welcome princes sorry to hear you’ve had a tough time.
Emma I don’t know anything about temping I’m sorry I’m not much use to comment!

Thanks kitana. I know 5 cycles isn’t long, and some ladies have been trying much longer. I just worry because I’ve never been pregnant (confirmed anyway) that I can’t concieve. Vicious cycle isn’t it! I’ve also got friends who now come out and say they fell straight away! I’m using an app called clue, but only for logging symptoms - I don’t trust that for ovulation. Using opks, checking CM & cervical position to confirm it. Pretty confident I got all that right this month! Lol
How can it be October already? 5dpo. Peeing lots and heartburn was the flavor of my night shifts. Been feeling pretty down today as had an awful shock at work last night. Don't really know what to do with myself really, nothing seems to take my mind off last night really. Trying to relax with TV and snacks.

Is anyone testing yet..?
Well I'm 4 almost 5 dpo and I am sooo gassy! I don't know if it's because what I ate but man, this is embarrassing!
I totally lost my temper earlier and got sooo angry at some passengers!:lol: They had stuck stickers of their nerdy competition group on the plane before entering but I didn't notice until they got off and started laughing when they were still there, after we landed. I went to look at what they were laughing at and just exploded! I viciously scratched the stickers of the plane (at that moment it felt exactly like they stuck stickers on my car without asking) and gave them a good loud scolding. I don't think they will ever stick their stuff on other people's cars/trains/planes ever again!! Stupid little nerds... I was fuming for the next half hour which is not like me!
Even just writing about it makes me angry all over again! So am hoping this is a good sign haha!:rofl:
Well I'm 4 almost 5 dpo and I am sooo gassy! I don't know if it's because what I ate but man, this is embarrassing!
I totally lost my temper earlier and got sooo angry at some passengers!:lol: They had stuck stickers of their nerdy competition group on the plane before entering but I didn't notice until they got off and started laughing when they were still there, after we landed. I went to look at what they were laughing at and just exploded! I viciously scratched the stickers of the plane (at that moment it felt exactly like they stuck stickers on my car without asking) and gave them a good loud scolding. I don't think they will ever stick their stuff on other people's cars/trains/planes ever again!! Stupid little nerds... I was fuming for the next half hour which is not like me!
Even just writing about it makes me angry all over again! So am hoping this is a good sign haha!:rofl:

I'm the gassy one in our marriage so I will never be able to blame that in anything :oooo:
Oh no radleycat hope your feeling better. I had an emotional outburst today... at my husband pretty nasty actually & I am ashamed of myself but something hit home and I lost it, everything came out: flood gates opened! Feeling seriously dragged under by all of the ttc! And I thought I was doing well this month! Lol
Thank you. I'm OK and luckily not in work until Wednesday now but hubby is on nights so I won't see him. I usually enjoy time by myself but not tonight, very worried about my friend and what happened yesterday. We were given news at work then I came home because I knew if I went to a bullshit patient (we get lots) Then I'd lose my shit at them. Safer to be at home until the diplomacy switch engages again.

I'm sure your oh will understand. It's all a lot to take on ttc. We've talked about it a fair bit and my oh was really sad that we weren't successful last month. Now I'm in the 'we've done all we can for now' phase but give it a week and I'll be feeling nervous again I'm sure

Only thing is I'm enjoying temping. I seriously need a different hobby!
Hope your friend is ok radelycat. I think it is the two week wait nerves... it creeps up - aghhhh!

This will sound bad but I really don’t feel like me & my OH really talk I feel like it’s just me rambling like today ‘my bra feels tight’ & him just going yep. Well what he actually said to that was.... maybe you should go to a shop to be measured properly! Doh! Omg if we weren’t at lunch in public I think I could have punched him in the face. My blood is actually boiling now thinking about it. Don’t get me wrong he is a great husband but my god does he not have a clue what is going on in my head over this ttc/tww. I was very upset tonight about it all especially as it seems to happen for others (more baby news)... he asked when can I test I told him to go look it all up and really go read into what happens for two weeks then another two weeks every month to my body & come back to me with an answer & maybe a bit more understanding of how emotionally drained I am!!!!! Hehe harsh!
Hope your friend is ok radelycat. I think it is the two week wait nerves... it creeps up - aghhhh!

This will sound bad but I really don’t feel like me & my OH really talk I feel like it’s just me rambling like today ‘my bra feels tight’ & him just going yep. Well what he actually said to that was.... maybe you should go to a shop to be measured properly! Doh! Omg if we weren’t at lunch in public I think I could have punched him in the face. My blood is actually boiling now thinking about it. Don’t get me wrong he is a great husband but my god does he not have a clue what is going on in my head over this ttc/tww. I was very upset tonight about it all especially as it seems to happen for others (more baby news)... he asked when can I test I told him to go look it all up and really go read into what happens for two weeks then another two weeks every month to my body & come back to me with an answer & maybe a bit more understanding of how emotionally drained I am!!!!! Hehe harsh!

Tell him you'll go to bravissimo and get measured and he's paying :wave: see how he likes that! It's different for men I suppose but sometimes I think we can easily think they don't care or aren't listening when their brains just don't work like ours do. Don't get me wrohg, I tell my oh stuff and 5 min later he has no idea what I said. Selective hearing I think

Ive not felt the sadness when others fall pregnant yet because we've not been trying that long but I know I have the potential to feel thag way soon it's normal I guess. My favorite is a friend of mind who was so desperate to get pregnant (she now has a 2 year old) that she hadn't really considered what ifs like to be pregnant or have a baby at the end of it. She was so stressed that she may not be able to get pregnant (even though she had never ever tried) because she was so old. I said, 'you are a year younger than ne' and she still didn't get that she was being a complete arse about it and my feelings. Now she wants to try again but they haven't agreed when, and even though she already has a son she's still freaking out in case it won't happen again. She fell first time last time. And again I pointed this all out but she's not interested.

We don't venture on to that subject anymore as I may lose my sh#t and that's when we weren't even ttc
Radleycat I hope you are feeling better, I know that sometimes our jobs can bring some emotional situations to deal with, sending you an :hug:.
I am 5DPO today if my app doesn't change again, I feel very very tired but alternate with wave of motivation to do housework..... don't ask me why! Regarding how I feel about this cycle is "I can't control it and I have to accept the results of it with calm and diplomacy", but on the other hand I feel that "something" is happening.....I don't know, it is a sensation that is been with me since the start of this cycle.....I hope it is true and isn't just my stupidness lol :lol:
Oh and another thing is: I want to eat, craving for something to eat, I give it two bite and I don't like it anymore and I am off of it. I don't know if it is depending from all the hormones in this phase, but is starting to annoying as I love my food :-?
What a morning. Being all good, roasting a chicken in my air fryer then the smoke alarm goes off and I go to get up from the sofa - back spasm. Literally couldn't move. Had to ring oh who is sleeping between night shifts (and clearly could not hear the smoke alarm beeping from downstairs) to rescue me.
He's gone back to bed. I'm on the sofa with an ice pack and can't bloody move. Ffs
This will sound bad but I really don’t feel like me & my OH really talk I feel like it’s just me rambling like today ‘my bra feels tight’ & him just going yep. Well what he actually said to that was.... maybe you should go to a shop to be measured properly! Doh! Omg if we weren’t at lunch in public I think I could have punched him in the face. My blood is actually boiling now thinking about it. Don’t get me wrong he is a great husband but my god does he not have a clue what is going on in my head over this ttc/tww. I was very upset tonight about it all especially as it seems to happen for others (more baby news)... he asked when can I test I told him to go look it all up and really go read into what happens for two weeks then another two weeks every month to my body & come back to me with an answer & maybe a bit more understanding of how emotionally drained I am!!!!! Hehe harsh!

Unfortunately for us crazy hormonal woman - men just do NOT get it :roll:

Typically the month i caught i kept my mouth shut with any symptoms i felt and this forum and my sister got the battering :oooo: I bet after my oh was like 'well how the hell did that bl**dy happen' :lol:

All he would ask is 'when are you testing' and that was all his input ever was :roll:
Dropping by and dropping off some baby dust :dust:

Come on October please be a good month :love:
Can i get the 31st October please :)

Looks like i am always going to be the end of the month kind of tester! The last in September and will be the last in October too.

AF isn't here in full force yet but a spot of blood when i just wiped so i know she is on her way. A little gutted to say the least but onwards and upwards.

Cycle 5 here i come :dust: xx

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