Morning all! Sorry I havent been around, I needed to take a few days out.
Headed to my parents at the weekend, even forgot to take my thermometer and had decided that I am not going to take my temperature any more after ovulation. Caved in on Monday morning when I saw the thermometer beside the bed. Temp still the same, odd!
No symptoms really, still no sore boobs, af cramps so I told my OH we were out and made an appointment with my GP to start investigations.
Yesterday my temp jumped a little, very odd. Said it to my OH and we decided not to test. Then afterwards I decided I wanted to but Id already peed, did it with smu, Im not sure I could even call it a squinter but I felt something was there on my ic.
This morning my temp jumped again, tested with fmu but started a new batch of tests and these look very cheap and as if someone had cut normal ones in half, so skinny! Id woken up at 4:30 so kept my pee (think I got this tip from Vintageling) and used it on one strip when I got up at 8am and also peed again on another. BFN on both. But Id had loads more tugging and pulling and cramping last night and my boobs felt sorer, I felt pregnant.
Stopped at the chemist on the way to work and got a FRER. Had brought my pee in the jar with me in the car. Did the test in the car-park and lo and behold bfp! Attached photo, looks darker in real life. Rang my OH to tell him and had to explain how Id tested because he was just asking me but where did you pee??
Period isnt due until tomorrow and due to my mc I wont be getting my hopes up until after 12 weeks. I think we all know on here how fragile this can be. Just relieved that its happened again, was really starting to worry. Have kept my GP appointment for Monday so she can confirm and Ill get booked in with my consultant from last time so Im on the books if anything starts going wrong.