October 2018 Testing Thread

4dpo for me, symptom wise nothing but the most awful heartburn on shift last night and sleeping today I've been up 4 x for a wee. 4 times in 8 hours is not normal! I am knackered
Symptoms or no symptoms its a nightmare! I thought last month I had too many symptoms that I must have conceived only to be disappointed again! I don’t know why I feel so relaxed this month as at the moment I don’t believe I will ever see those two lines & have just accepted it! (Sorry to be negative just how I feel!) so I should be climbing the walls not thinking oh well.

The funny thing I have to say about my intense back ache and cramping last week was that I had the exact same feeling a few cycles ago when I was 4days late. Normally I do have cramping but only for a day maybe before AF arrives so the intensity of my backaches and cramping were very different for me. I remember thinking this could be late implantation as obviously I was late but getting BFNs. AF did show up in the end. But I am a 28 day cycle girl - almost to the hour previously then surprisingly after this cycle, (I had thought maybe that it was the start of whacky cycles but no). I have wondered and had a couple of people say to me when I’ve told them this that perhaps I did conceive that month. I know il never know but the feelings I had last week are exactly the same as those days I was late. Can anyone who has been pregnant relate to that kind of dull ache?! I’m ttc no1 so I really have nothing to go on. And I also think that was way too early to be implantation at 5/6dpo. I’m going to look back on this and feel so stupid I know!
I'm approaching ovulation any day now... my app reckons 2nd and another said 4th... So I will be joining the waiting game soon. Question... I have a cold right now. What affect, if any, does this have on my chances of a successful month?
How long have you been TTC, Mandy?
I did get intense pains in my back and pelvic area just before I had my chemical. I was 4 days late too and when I started bleeding, it was a lot and heavy for about 2 or 3 days, then I spotted for 9 days! I had that exact same thing happen to me last cycle and my period started 2 days earlier than normal which was odd. As soon as AF was finished the back pain was gone, my senitive super smell was gone, the dizziness, all of it. And AF was 10 days long which was unusual again since I only have a 4 or 5 day perios. So I'm thinking I lost one again before it could even be established.
My doctor told me it's not unusual for women to fall pregnant and lose it right at AF time. Maybe you've been pregnant before but just didn't realise it yet.
I'm approaching ovulation any day now... my app reckons 2nd and another said 4th... So I will be joining the waiting game soon. Question... I have a cold right now. What affect, if any, does this have on my chances of a successful month?

I don't think it really has any effect hun. It's just hard to breathe when bding!!:lol::rofl:
I'm approaching ovulation any day now... my app reckons 2nd and another said 4th... So I will be joining the waiting game soon. Question... I have a cold right now. What affect, if any, does this have on my chances of a successful month?

I don't think it really has any effect hun. It's just hard to breathe when bding!!:lol::rofl:

Haha cool I assumed that it wouldn't have much affect on things. Still gonna BD regardless because I want this month to work so badly!
Kitana this is my 5th cycle and that happened on my 3rd cycle. That is odd that the symptoms sound similar. I didn’t get a positive test though and I tested everyday from missing AF! I bled for maybe a day more and thinking about it the first day or two was very heavy - well for me anyway. The backache etc stopped as soon as AF arrived. Who knows I just thought the pains I had this last few days were very much the same to that, but I’m not due AF for another week. I know it’s sad to think it but the more I look into it the more I think there was something a miss that cycle. I hadn’t really got into journaling any symptoms so it’s hard for me to remember any other symptoms - if I even had any!
I’m sorry to hear of your chemical, & suspected. It is hard all of this isn’t it. I’m glad I can talk on here about it directly. X
Morning girls, my app changed again my ovulation so can I have the 11th as testing day, please?
Ladies that temp, do you see a fairly decent temp drop a couple of days before ov? Temps on CD6 and CD7 were 36.47 and 36.50, today CD8 it’s 36.10, my lowest temp so far (during period I had 36.12 twice). I tested an hour to hour and a half later the last 2 mornings so maybe it’s just because of that my temps have changed so much? X


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Emma usually you got a drop before ovulation....what CD you are on now?
Emma don't read too much into this drop, you really should be temping at the same time each day, set an alarm if you have to. Our temps naturally fluctuate throughout the night, so temping at different times will lead to a jagged rocky mountain kinds chart which is often difficulty to interpret.

Personally of it was me if put it down to taking temp st the wrong time until you begin to see darker opks.


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Emma usually you got a drop before ovulation....what CD you are on now?

CD8 today, so still early for ov. I am taking EPO this cycle so don’t know if that will affect ov, heard it can make it both quicker and longer than usual x
Emma don't read too much into this drop, you really should be temping at the same time each day, set an alarm if you have to. Our temps naturally fluctuate throughout the night, so temping at different times will lead to a jagged rocky mountain kinds chart which is often difficulty to interpret.

Personally of it was me if put it down to taking temp st the wrong time until you begin to see darker opks.


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OH wakes up at around 3.30am for work so I do it then cos I wake up briefly, at weekends when he hasn’t got work it’s unfair for me to set an alarm for 3.30am as it might wake him up and he might not be able to get back to sleep. Did my temps at 5am the weekend as i woke then before dosing a couple more hours. As I will be close to ov this weekend, I will prob do alarm just for then and hope it doesn’t affect OH if he doesn’t have work! Lol

OPKs are decent lines already, but that means nothing really after my last cycle having good lines for majority of it! X
That's fair enough. I set my alarm for 5am every day of the week, luckily my OH sleep like a hog and nothing wakes him haha

If it works, it works :) just wanted to make you aware that if you have sharp changed that might be the reason why.

If your opks are decent lines already you might ov early.


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Yeah, will just keep testing with OPKs and see how it goes. My temps will defo be done around same time the next few days, so will see how they change. X
Hi all, period started yesterday ( 2 days earlier than expected) my cycles are now around 4 days shorter than before I had my chemical in August. This month is my first month back trying. feels weird to be in my 'Trying to Conceive cycle'.
since my cycles are now shorter, I may now be testing on the 20th instead of the 26th.
Hi princess :wave:
We had our chemical at the same time, I remember, so sorry for you too :hug:
I was devastated at the time as I knew that I would have to wait a couple of months before trying again due to a holiday we have booked. It's come around quickly though , especially with my cycles being shorter. Since my cycles have been shorter I am a bit concerns that the due date will still be too close to the holiday if I got pregnant this month. That one week may make a difference if my dates are brought forward slightly.

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