hey ladies, i've been so shattered lately i've just been lurking abit!
i am SO tired all the time, i am needing 10 hours of sleep in a nightand my sickness has gone and ramped itself right up and switched from the evenings to the mornings which is terrible. I have dull headaches too!
I am nearly 11 weeks so presumably this is all from the placenta trying to takeover and working overtime!
i feel grotty!
Hi lovelies. I've had a stressful few days because of a work deadline today, which meant I had to pull some long hours and weekend working (boooo). The worst I behind me now, and for now I plan on taking it a little easier for a few days before I know things will get silly again
I'm slowly starting to feel better. I still get periods of feeling rough as a badger, but mostly in the evenings, when I feel a combination of tired, bloated and nauseous. Makes me crap company for my poor husband, but at least means I'm better able to cope at work in the day.
Counting down to my nuchal scan next Monday
Hope you're all doing okay. Babywomble, have you recovered from your tummy bug? Good luck sarahlou. Hang in there netty - I know sometimes 9 days can feel an eternity xx
Thank you everyone! Baby all OK thank goodness, although she wouldn't get into a good position for measurement so they couldn't do a proper date or the screening tests so have to go back in a few weeks. She was bouncing about and waving her arms about! Feels so surreal. I keep saying she but I have no idea!