****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Here they are, They love of my life!
And my announcement
<3 so so happy


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Feel really unwell and sorry for myself today. Don&#8217;t know if i&#8217;ve caught a virus or if it&#8217;s the unwelcome return of pregnancy sickness at 12+3 but I&#8217;ve had to ring in sick from work and am laid up in bed. Really thought I was over the worst of it a week or two ago, clearly I was mistaken. Commiserations to Netty for your poorliness, hope it passes soon.

Lovely scan photo Lulla Bell. Warms my cockles it does :)

My friend told me that her Joie buggy is really good - they cost only like £100 brand new! She says it&#8217;s super lightweight and adjustable so I think I might have a look at those. It&#8217;s not a full travel system so would have to buy a car seat separately. I&#8217;ve also had the Bugaboo recommend to me but they&#8217;re about £750 which is a lot more than we can afford. I&#8217;m probably being delusional, but hoping to get the vast majority of stuff off forums/ eBay etc secondhand as I really can&#8217;t afford to spend thousands on baby gear. I&#8217;ll also start hitting my family up for donations ASAP!! Although they have bailed me out a fair bit recently with regards to a house and relationship disaster, so I think I&#8217;ve had my fair share of the coffers already!
Seems quite a few of us are feeling crappy RWW I've spent the day on the sofa feeling sick and headachey

I presume baby is having a growth spurt. I'm 11 weeks today eek
Aww Netty I love that little outfit! :-) Really hope you&#8217;re feeling a bit better today?

Can&#8217;t really help with prams sorry coz we ended up skipping that stage with my little girl. We got on so well with slings that I just did that for the first 6 months then got a lightweight stroller to use sometimes too when she was a bit bigger. So many pretty prams out there though :-) We had a poddlepod BabyWomble and found it really handy, especially when going visiting people because was easy to just chuck it in the car and take it with us.

Love your announcement Lulla! :-) xxx
Hope you&#8217;re feeling better today too RWW! Xxx
Never thought about slings as a replacement for a pram! Certainly something to consider as I'd like to use them and oh is keen on them too

Headache turned into a full blown migraine woohoo. I used to get them when on my breaks from the pill due to hormone dips/influxes so I guess something going bananas with my progesterone or oestrogen as this feels like that.

Just laid in bed in the dark right now. Nice and quiet. Usually I'd take naproxen for it but I can't :( paracetamol won't touch it either. I need a person here with a cool compress please. I can pay you in easter eggs :lol:

Hi ladies, I've been lurking around for quite some time now, I had my scan yesterday and my due date is the 15th. Not sure if I'll be in here or tri 2 as I'm 13+4, I guess I'm somewhere in between! Anyway I'm so impatient and can't wait to find out what I'm having, I have a 4 year old son already, and have been driving myself mad googling the nub theory. Anyone like to have a guess? If I could figure out how to attach the picture that is &#55357;&#56833; look forward to getting to know you all.
Hello ladies, just came across this forum. Hope you don&#8217;t mind me joining in. Congratulations on all the baby dust we&#8217;re all carrying! Will be 12 weeks tomorrow and been feeling abysmal (nausea all day, wiped out, moody) for last few weeks, seems am not the only one. Have a 5yo daughter and looking forward to telling her soon that she will finally be a big sister! Best wishes for those scans coming up this week. I have to wait until week after for a peek!
Hiya, if you need an outdoorsy reasonable priced buggy, I thoroughly recommend the BabyJogger City Mini GT. Cost us £320 five years ago for my daughter, easy to handle, folds with one hand. Very sturdy wheels and comfy for child from 6 months. You will find plenty second hand too.
Thanks Lola and Netty, I felt much better yesterday, just some random retching when I dished up the cat's food :) Netty you were right, it was probably a growth spurt!

I got my screening results back for Downs and Edwards/Patau yesterday. Downs was 1 in 22,000 and E/P 1 in 14,000. I initially felt positive about these, but as usual I have let my anxiety take over and started Googling. Some women have results which are 1 in 100,000s+. I am also at higher risk of the two rarer and more life threatening disorders!! My nuchal measurement thing was 0.9mm which is super small, I am 34 and will be nearly 35 when the baby is born. BMI healthy etc. I know I shouldn't be such as a twat as my results are very good, but I have lots of niggling worries :(

Has anyone one else opted for screening and had their results back? I kind of wish I hadn't bothered now, clearly they have not helped reduce my concerns.
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Hi sweetpea /Shepherdess :wave:

I've spent the morning cleaning poop of my very hairy cats ass because she's a gross little creation from hell and can't look after herself! I say me....I held her down whilst oh dealt with the poop I totally used the pregnancy card!

I told him it was practice for poohy nappies....he wasn't down with that.

Picture of said vermin


She now has no fluffy breeches because I trimmed them all off. It's a good job she's cute

Hi sweetpea /Shepherdess :wave:

I've spent the morning cleaning poop of my very hairy cats ass because she's a gross little creation from hell and can't look after herself! I say me....I held her down whilst oh dealt with the poop I totally used the pregnancy card!

I told him it was practice for poohy nappies....he wasn't down with that.

Picture of said vermin


She now has no fluffy breeches because I trimmed them all off. It's a good job she's cute

Ah she is gorgeous Netty. She also looks very pleased with herself about the poo :) what is her name?
Hi sweetpea /Shepherdess :wave:

I've spent the morning cleaning poop of my very hairy cats ass because she's a gross little creation from hell and can't look after herself! I say me....I held her down whilst oh dealt with the poop I totally used the pregnancy card!

I told him it was practice for poohy nappies....he wasn't down with that.

Picture of said vermin


She now has no fluffy breeches because I trimmed them all off. It's a good job she's cute

Ah she is gorgeous Netty. She also looks very pleased with herself about the poo :) what is her name?

I bet mine is worse. Currently winding up my Chihuahua by stealing her bed!


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She's such a bellend. Her name is arwen and her brother is called Mr Baggins (lotr geeks)

Hi everyone, could I join in too please I've been lurking for a while I had my dating scan on Thurs so am exactly 12 weeks today and finally feeling brave enough to join! I haven't had chance to read all 70+ pages but from the bits I can remember recently.... cute cat, glad I'm not the only one feeling a bit rough and re pram I have a bugaboo cameleon (from my last bambino) And love it!

Can t wait to get to tri 2 with you all!
Thanks Lola and Netty, I felt much better yesterday, just some random retching when I dished up the cat's food :) Netty you were right, it was probably a growth spurt!

I got my screening results back for Downs and Edwards/Patau yesterday. Downs was 1 in 22,000 and E/P 1 in 14,000. I initially felt positive about these, but as usual I have let my anxiety take over and started Googling. Some women have results which are 1 in 100,000s+. I am also at higher risk of the two rarer and more life threatening disorders!! My nuchal measurement thing was 0.9mm which is super small, I am 34 and will be nearly 35 when the baby is born. BMI healthy etc. I know I shouldn't be such as a twat as my results are very good, but I have lots of niggling worries :(

Has anyone one else opted for screening and had their results back? I kind of wish I hadn't bothered now, clearly they have not helped reduce my concerns.

Oh honey, don't Dr Google these kind of things - stick with what you get from reputable sources like nhs and nct. To put your numbers into perspective, they only class you as higher risk for Downs of the number is above 1 in 150 - only at that point do they recommend a diagnostic test to find out for sure either way

Congrats and welcome to the three newbies! We will all be over in tri 2 before we know it :) x
Welcome icecreamdream and Congrats on baby number 2!!

Yes she is cute but she's the dirtiest cat I've ever had seriously. And she drools!

The weather today has really picked me up. Migraine is clear and I've been to lunch with my bestest and she's got me loads of cute baby stuff which got me super excited!

Only a few days until my 12 week scan now. I'm feeling really positive!

Aw I got an unexpected baby gift today from my bestie too - the first thing we have so far and such a lovely surprise, it's starting to seem a bit more real now! I also got a 10ft sausage pillow delivered today I literally CAN NOT wait for bed time!!!

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