Thanks Lola and Netty, I felt much better yesterday, just some random retching when I dished up the cat's foodNetty you were right, it was probably a growth spurt!
I got my screening results back for Downs and Edwards/Patau yesterday. Downs was 1 in 22,000 and E/P 1 in 14,000. I initially felt positive about these, but as usual I have let my anxiety take over and started Googling. Some women have results which are 1 in 100,000s+. I am also at higher risk of the two rarer and more life threatening disorders!! My nuchal measurement thing was 0.9mm which is super small, I am 34 and will be nearly 35 when the baby is born. BMI healthy etc. I know I shouldn't be such as a twat as my results are very good, but I have lots of niggling worries
Has anyone one else opted for screening and had their results back? I kind of wish I hadn't bothered now, clearly they have not helped reduce my concerns.
Oh honey, don't Dr Google these kind of things - stick with what you get from reputable sources like nhs and nct. To put your numbers into perspective, they only class you as higher risk for Downs of the number is above 1 in 150 - only at that point do they recommend a diagnostic test to find out for sure either way
Ah I've been dying for a pregnancy pillow because I'm so big already! Really need to buy one I'm so uncomfortable at night
Let me know how blissful it is! They look awesome
She's such a bellend. Her name is arwen and her brother is called Mr Baggins (lotr geeks)
Feel really unwell and sorry for myself today. Dont know if ive caught a virus or if its the unwelcome return of pregnancy sickness at 12+3 but Ive had to ring in sick from work and am laid up in bed. Really thought I was over the worst of it a week or two ago, clearly I was mistaken. Commiserations to Netty for your poorliness, hope it passes soon.
Lovely scan photo Lulla Bell. Warms my cockles it does
My friend told me that her Joie buggy is really good - they cost only like £100 brand new! She says its super lightweight and adjustable so I think I might have a look at those. Its not a full travel system so would have to buy a car seat separately. Ive also had the Bugaboo recommend to me but theyre about £750 which is a lot more than we can afford. Im probably being delusional, but hoping to get the vast majority of stuff off forums/ eBay etc secondhand as I really cant afford to spend thousands on baby gear. Ill also start hitting my family up for donations ASAP!! Although they have bailed me out a fair bit recently with regards to a house and relationship disaster, so I think Ive had my fair share of the coffers already!
Thanks Lola and Netty, I felt much better yesterday, just some random retching when I dished up the cat's foodNetty you were right, it was probably a growth spurt!
I got my screening results back for Downs and Edwards/Patau yesterday. Downs was 1 in 22,000 and E/P 1 in 14,000. I initially felt positive about these, but as usual I have let my anxiety take over and started Googling. Some women have results which are 1 in 100,000s+. I am also at higher risk of the two rarer and more life threatening disorders!! My nuchal measurement thing was 0.9mm which is super small, I am 34 and will be nearly 35 when the baby is born. BMI healthy etc. I know I shouldn't be such as a twat as my results are very good, but I have lots of niggling worries
Has anyone one else opted for screening and had their results back? I kind of wish I hadn't bothered now, clearly they have not helped reduce my concerns.