****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Ah I've been dying for a pregnancy pillow because I'm so big already! Really need to buy one I'm so uncomfortable at night :(

Let me know how blissful it is! They look awesome

Thanks Lola and Netty, I felt much better yesterday, just some random retching when I dished up the cat's food :) Netty you were right, it was probably a growth spurt!

I got my screening results back for Downs and Edwards/Patau yesterday. Downs was 1 in 22,000 and E/P 1 in 14,000. I initially felt positive about these, but as usual I have let my anxiety take over and started Googling. Some women have results which are 1 in 100,000s+. I am also at higher risk of the two rarer and more life threatening disorders!! My nuchal measurement thing was 0.9mm which is super small, I am 34 and will be nearly 35 when the baby is born. BMI healthy etc. I know I shouldn't be such as a twat as my results are very good, but I have lots of niggling worries :(

Has anyone one else opted for screening and had their results back? I kind of wish I hadn't bothered now, clearly they have not helped reduce my concerns.

Oh honey, don't Dr Google these kind of things - stick with what you get from reputable sources like nhs and nct. To put your numbers into perspective, they only class you as higher risk for Downs of the number is above 1 in 150 - only at that point do they recommend a diagnostic test to find out for sure either way


Yeah you’re right. I’m incredibly low risk in the grand scheme of things. As ever with Dr Google, you only see the extremes, good and bad. I’ve spoken to a couple of friends today and they have said the results are good. My friend came back 1 in 11 for Downs with her daughter and had to have amniocentisis, which was very stressful for her. Thankfully everything fine. But put it in perspective a bit. Xx
Hello everyone Old and new <3 So sorry i've not been keeping up, we announced on thursday then thursday afternoon we had friends visit with their daughter and they have only just left Had an amazing time checking out cornwall with them, Its a lot more exciting when we have tourists with us. How is everyone? How are the hormones treating you?
Im feeling pretty good actually, the only thing thats suffering is my Bowels, but i've just had half a sachet of laxido and Had the most satisfying poo haha!
The OH has turned into a new man since the scan, Its like hes floating around in a happy daze haha!
Its like he refused to believe it before, Is that a common occurrence with men?
Has anyone got a noticeable bump yet? I feel really big, but I also feel stupid because im only 12+3, Like a fat girl pretending to be pregnant!
Ah lulla I've been the same with pooping :roll: feels like I've been trying to have the same poo all week and only ever getting a tiny bit out. Tmi ladies sorry!

I definitely need to try something. I've upped my water but it hasn't helped.

I've eaten so much food today too that I am uncomfortable now and wallowing around on the sofa like a beached farting seal.

Pregnancy is a delight isn't it :rofl:

Honestly , Laxido... Half a sachet, and two hours later it just slid out ahah!
Ive been doing that every 2-3 days and its keeping me regular enough that Im not crapping my pants in public!
Ah nothing better than a good poo is there :lol:

I will try it!

Me and oh have been debating boys names and gah it's so hard. We're settled on a girls name and it was so easy!

I'm really liking either Elijah or Noah

Ah I've been dying for a pregnancy pillow because I'm so big already! Really need to buy one I'm so uncomfortable at night :(

Let me know how blissful it is! They look awesome

Omg I had such a good night's sleep I actually feel like I slept more than I was awake for the first time in ages! Not sure hubby is quite so enthusiastic about sharing a bed with a 10ft sausage but hey ho needs Must!!

On a separate note has anyone started buying anything yet? I got a gift yesterday but have bought anything myself yet but I've seen a cute my first Xmas (early I know but I love Xmas and it's cheap) on next clearance it's unisex and I'm really tempted to buy it but I'm not sure if I dare...
She's such a bellend. Her name is arwen and her brother is called Mr Baggins (lotr geeks)

Oh me too, we like Arwen as a girls name. I joined a nub theory group on fb and a couple of mods think bean is a boy though. Thankfully my gender scan is only 2 weeks away, I&#8217;m getting confused lol
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Netty is your scan on mon or Tues?

Boys names are so difficult!

Horrible migraine yesterday urgh, not entirely sure its gone yet.

What is everyone doing about folic acid? Are you continuing to take it past week 12? X
I'll definitely be investing in a pillow soon icecreamdream

Ah babywomble we love the name arwen and we are gutted we used it on our arsehole cat. Because she's such a tit!!!! It would have been number one on our list too lol

Scan is Thursday sarahlou! Trying to stay as positive as possible!!

I've been told to take my folic acid all the way through my pregnancy. Probably because on their little scale of shame I'm obese. I'm only a size 12/14
All will be good I'm sure netty - such a tortuous wait isn't it. That sounds like a pretty normal size to me! X
I'm a normal size I'm just heavy haha I always have weighed very heavy. I'm not concerned over it anyway! I'm just well built :lol:

Hi Sweetpea, Shepherdess and Icecreamdream! :-)

I need to get my pregnancy pillow down from the attic, always waking up with some kind of ache or pain these days! I was wondering about the folic acid too. Think I will probably stop taking it now.

Aww I love the name Noah Netty. Was one of my top two boys names last time. Finn was the other but now I can&#8217;t use either as both have been used by friends since :-( I really don&#8217;t like many boys names but there&#8217;s loads of girls names I like! Xxx
Thanks for all the welcomes everyone. I totally forgot about not needing folic acid all the way thru I am taking a combined vitamin tablet with it in and was just going to carry on taking them until they ran out altho I do have quite a supply left...

We have Noah on our boys list, actually we have quite a lot of names on the boys but not really agreed on any girls yet and I'm sure it will be a girl!
Feel really unwell and sorry for myself today. Don’t know if i’ve caught a virus or if it’s the unwelcome return of pregnancy sickness at 12+3 but I’ve had to ring in sick from work and am laid up in bed. Really thought I was over the worst of it a week or two ago, clearly I was mistaken. Commiserations to Netty for your poorliness, hope it passes soon.

Lovely scan photo Lulla Bell. Warms my cockles it does :)

My friend told me that her Joie buggy is really good - they cost only like £100 brand new! She says it’s super lightweight and adjustable so I think I might have a look at those. It’s not a full travel system so would have to buy a car seat separately. I’ve also had the Bugaboo recommend to me but they’re about £750 which is a lot more than we can afford. I’m probably being delusional, but hoping to get the vast majority of stuff off forums/ eBay etc secondhand as I really can’t afford to spend thousands on baby gear. I’ll also start hitting my family up for donations ASAP!! Although they have bailed me out a fair bit recently with regards to a house and relationship disaster, so I think I’ve had my fair share of the coffers already!

I got the Joie travel system for my son and I love it, it's amazing because everything fits together!! It was about £250 from Mothercare cane with buggy, car seat, flat bed and pram seat (which can be forward and rearward facing) I will be using it again with this baby!! When you decide what you want then keep an eye on the prices as they often have sales on!!
Thanks Lola and Netty, I felt much better yesterday, just some random retching when I dished up the cat's food :) Netty you were right, it was probably a growth spurt!

I got my screening results back for Downs and Edwards/Patau yesterday. Downs was 1 in 22,000 and E/P 1 in 14,000. I initially felt positive about these, but as usual I have let my anxiety take over and started Googling. Some women have results which are 1 in 100,000s+. I am also at higher risk of the two rarer and more life threatening disorders!! My nuchal measurement thing was 0.9mm which is super small, I am 34 and will be nearly 35 when the baby is born. BMI healthy etc. I know I shouldn't be such as a twat as my results are very good, but I have lots of niggling worries :(

Has anyone one else opted for screening and had their results back? I kind of wish I hadn't bothered now, clearly they have not helped reduce my concerns.

Also remember that means that 21999 babies didn't have downs and 13999 babies didn't have Edwards!! I always try think about the positives!!! Those figures are low risk hun!!x
Hi ladies. I've got my nuchal scan this afternoon. Trying to not be too nervous. Please send me healthy baby vibes.

How are you all doing? I've still got nausea, tiredness and unhappy guts, but its at least no longer constant.

Re: Buying stuff, we live in a small flat, so we're aiming to be as minimalist as poss. Also trying to be thrifty as saving money to hopefully move to a house in the next 18mo or so. Will also have to get new car, as ours is tiny three door thing that'll never fit a buggy in boot. Babies are expensive little buggers!

Any train/tube commuters wearing a baby on board badge yet? I've ordered one as journey home is super crowded, so hoping people might be a little less rough on me in the tube. I'm also often feeling most sick on train home, so a seat would be welcome. I've heard others have good and bad experiences with the badge though, so a little nervous about wearing one

Happy Monday all

good luck today MrsBunny :dust:

I am feeling sickly this morning :( really need to go and get something substantial for lunch! Also the nerves are mounting for my 12 week scan Thursday too ugh!

I feel for you commuting on the train, i did this for years before i got my car and now i can't bear the thought of it! Hope the badge works
Twinkletoes - that is a much better way of looking at it, thanks! I'm naturally a 'glass half empty' kind of person AKA a miserable bugger! :) Thanks also for the info about the Joie, I am definitely going to look into the travel system. It seems such good value. I'm going to wait til after my 20 week scan and then start the shopping/ bargain hunting in earnest.

Netty - sorry you are feeling rough today. Nerves definitely to be expected, I felt very concerned about it all in the day or two prior, but on the actual morning of the scan I just felt giddy and excited. Got my fingers crossed for you, and you too MrsBunny. You will both be grand!

Constipation is thankfully not something I have on my current list of pregnancy woes, hope it stays away! It makes you feel so gross and uncomfortable, really puts me in a bad mood on the rare occasions I have had it. Travel seems to bring it on for me.
Hope all goes well with your scan today MrsBunny! Xxx

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