****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Lovely scans! Can't wait for my own 12 week scan eek only 13 days to go!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend x I'll be sleeping lol. Absolutely shattered atm

I have no control over this list BabyWomble but I’ve added you to the Tri2 list! :)
Stupid, stupid me had a chicken kebab last night because my OH wanted one. Big mistake, woke up at midnight rushing to the loo and ended up with the bin on my lap also :( been like this on and off since sleeping from 4am and 5am now awake again. Petrified this is food poisoning and I’ve put the baby at risk. No idea what to do. Drinking but everything is setting off both symptoms. So angry with myself and keep telling baby I’m sorry 😢
When I was 20 weeks with my first baby I was in France and thought I&#8217;d risk some fresh cream. I don&#8217;t think the French always pasteurise their cream but either way I was very ill. I had severe crippling stomach cramps and diarrhoea. Baby was absolutely fine in there when I got checked. They are tough little beans so try not to worry too much BabyWomble :) Get checked to put your mind at ease if you&#8217;re really worried. <3
When I was 20 weeks with my first baby I was in France and thought I’d risk some fresh cream. I don’t think the French always pasteurise their cream but either way I was very ill. I had severe crippling stomach cramps and diarrhoea. Baby was absolutely fine in there when I got checked. They are tough little beans so try not to worry too much BabyWomble :) Get checked to put your mind at ease if you’re really worried. <3

Thank you for the reassurance! I feel dreadful, so poor bubba. I won’t be making that mistake again, wasn’t sure at the time, should have listened to my instincts!
Sorry been quiet lately ladies! Some amazing scans coming through! I'm still unfortunately suffering with stress/anxiety. I keep getting adrenaline rushes and insomnia. I can be ok for half a day or so then it cones back. I know irs going to take time to get my body back to normal as obvious I've stressed it out far too much but irs tiring. Im back at work Mon though (teacher so been off) so that hopefully should take my mind of everything.
Hi ladies
So we had our scan on Wednesday and they dated baby as 12+6 so due date now 11th october. Scan was amazing! Baby was being naughty and wouldn’t face the right way at first but we got there eventually.
Lovely to see all your pics!


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Wow what a clear scan 3_for_me! :) So happy for you.
I&#8217;ve changed your due date for the Tri2 post.
Lovely scan pic 3_for_me I&#8217;m soooooooo happy for us all and our little beans!

Sorry you&#8217;re still feeling a bit low Writergem, hope you start to feel a bit better this week. Big hugs xxx
Thanks guys! Can anyone see a boy nub?

I’d guess girl from that nub! X

Thanks for your reply. I was told by a few people that the hit sticking up is he nub which would mean boy but then others have said that’s not the nub! Guess I will just have to wait to find out. I’ll be 23 weeks by my next scan!
Think ive done to much today, Had a sudden burst of energy and pulled the entire house apart to clean, Now im feeling very achey and crampy in my uterus! I really hope I haven't done any damage!
all I think about is all the women who are absolute heros and do exhausting manual labour right up until they give birth and think..... Stop being such a pussy!
But then I realise I am a massive Pussy and Im not nearly as healthy as them haha!
Anyone else noticed a dull ache after lots of work? Maybe im just a giant pansy lol!
Think ive done to much today, Had a sudden burst of energy and pulled the entire house apart to clean, Now im feeling very achey and crampy in my uterus! I really hope I haven't done any damage!
all I think about is all the women who are absolute heros and do exhausting manual labour right up until they give birth and think..... Stop being such a pussy!
But then I realise I am a massive Pussy and Im not nearly as healthy as them haha!
Anyone else noticed a dull ache after lots of work? Maybe im just a giant pansy lol!

Hi Lulla, I've had this a few times after either being on my feet for too long or spending a decent amount of time doing housework. I keep worrying that its too much and baby is going to decide to vacate! It probably is just ligaments stretching a bit further and being helped along by movement.

I've definitely had round ligament pain over the last few days, its scary but also reassuring. And I thought it would mean my bump is about to pop out but it actually seems to be the opposite, like there is now more room for it to hide, what the hell are you doing to me little one??! I so desperately want an obvious bump.. xx
Lulla, I seem to get something similar if I've had a day that's been too stressful or busy, or I've driven a long way. I hope its just my body telling me its too tired, rather than the baby telling me its too much!

First can tomorrow - excited and terrified in equal amounts! Its not until 6pm, gonna be a hard day to get through!
Think ive done to much today, Had a sudden burst of energy and pulled the entire house apart to clean, Now im feeling very achey and crampy in my uterus! I really hope I haven't done any damage!
all I think about is all the women who are absolute heros and do exhausting manual labour right up until they give birth and think..... Stop being such a pussy!
But then I realise I am a massive Pussy and Im not nearly as healthy as them haha!
Anyone else noticed a dull ache after lots of work? Maybe im just a giant pansy lol!

Yep, I did the same yesterday and then ached all night, repeat today as the OH has flu so running around after him!
hey ladies, i've been so shattered lately i've just been lurking abit!

i am SO tired all the time, i am needing 10 hours of sleep in a night :shock: and my sickness has gone and ramped itself right up and switched from the evenings to the mornings which is terrible. I have dull headaches too!

I am nearly 11 weeks so presumably this is all from the placenta trying to takeover and working overtime!

i feel grotty!

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