****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Amazing Baby Womble didn't I tell you so! I've been so much calmer today and something hilarious happened in the night! Ive been havin sex dreams off and on well last night I woke up in the middle of a giant O!!! í*½í¸‚í*½í¸‚í*½í¸‚í*½í¸‚ Never happened to me before ever!! X

:O I bet that was erm, interesting?! Haha pregnancy sure does funny things to us doesn’t it!! Xxx
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Amazing Baby Womble didn't I tell you so! I've been so much calmer today and something hilarious happened in the night! Ive been havin sex dreams off and on well last night I woke up in the middle of a giant O!!! �������� Never happened to me before ever!! X

I know, the sonogratger was so lovely too, she immediately said, here’s babies heartbeat, can you see? Although baby wanted to be awkward I was happy to see it being active, even being woken with nausea at 5 am hasn’t dampened my excitement!

Haha, who cares why you woke up, just be grateful you did and remember there are some women who never experience the big ‘O’ 😂
Just got back from my 12 week scan. Turns out I am actually 11+ 4 weeks and have had my due date put back a couple of days to 22 Oct (was 20 Oct) which actually brings it into alignment with when I thought I ovulated. I had the screening blood tests done, fingers crossed they are fine, I am low risk in all other respects so trying to stay positive even though I am a natural worrier!

I've been pretty convinced from the outset that I'm having a boy. Couldn't get a good view of the nub during the scan as the babba was bouncing around and wriggling like mad, but looking at the shape of skull/ forehead I think it supports my convictions that it is a boy :) the forehead looks massive! What do you reckon? Obv I'd be happy with either :) xxx
Sorry pic didn't attach for some reason - here it is!


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Also, sorry for being quiet these last few weeks. Had horrendous symptoms up until just over 9 weeks, then I stopped being sick and the exhaustion eased off a bit...but instead of enjoying feeling vaguely (only vaguely!) normal, I became panicked that something was wrong and it was too soon for symptoms to be waning. Like a lot of us on here, I have suffered with depression and anxiety in the past, so my mind was going into overdrive.

My partner also moved across from Blackpool to live with me, and we had a bit of an emotional few days sorting out his house and spending time with his daughter who is staying over there. She's nearly 14 and understands what is going on, but is obviously sad that her dad is moving away and there were a few tears. I felt awful, like some sort of Father Thief and a terrible woman :( But I know that is my issue to deal with and her reaction has been totally normal and proportionate; she's a lovely, caring girl. She's excited about having a new brother or sister, and we're going to send her a 'big sister' card today, along with the scan photo. She wants to be a nursery nurse so we are joking that she can do plenty of babysitting to get some practice in :)

Anyway, bit of a hectic couple of weeks - and I'm just glad that now my primary emotion is that of total EXCITEMENT!! hee heeee xx
So lovely to hear RWW84 and a lovely update after a break from here! :)
That’s a really good clear scan pic isn’t it? I’ll guess boy too! :D
So lovely to hear RWW84 and a lovely update after a break from here! :)
That’s a really good clear scan pic isn’t it? I’ll guess boy too! :D

Thanks CornishGirl! I think my babba looks more alien-like than babies in other scans, the head is huge but maybe it's just the angle :) there was a lot of movement so it was hard to get a decent shot. I am still pretty convinced by boy too x
Yay RWW84, so glad it went well! <3 what a lovely scan pic!

I had mine this morning too - all good with baby, he/she was stretching, waving and wriggling around like no-ones business. It was soooo surreal to finally see my little bean. The sonographer said he/she was a proper poser...must take after it's Dad!

I've been pushed forward a day so I'm 11+3 so now due 23rd October.

Any guesses on sex?


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I&#8217;m going to guess boy for you too. Ha ha I must be 50/50 right! :D
Glad everything went so well. :)
I’ve just been reading up on the nub theory and took another look at my pictures and found this one (the only one showing any sign of a nub) what does everyone think?


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Ooh BabyWomble. That looks like a girl nub! :lol:
It&#8217;s fun to guess but I don&#8217;t really believe the nub theory. I don&#8217;t understand how it works.
Ooh BabyWomble. That looks like a girl nub! :lol:
It&#8217;s fun to guess but I don&#8217;t really believe the nub theory. I don&#8217;t understand how it works.

Yeah, I didn&#8217;t know about it until today when someone asked me if I asked about it yesterday. If I knew there was a chance she could see the sex already i&#8217;d have asked. Still it&#8217;s cute to guess x
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I'd say defo girl Babywomble. Lovely pic KJ. I think you're having a girl too :)
Thanks guys, I'm feeling really great today :) lovely scan, no nausea and best of all...IT'S THE WEEKEND!!! x
Just realised I’m not on the list on the first page, could I be please? DD is 14th Oct. Thanks

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