****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Ah pic didn’t work then. I can’t remember how I used to do it! Xx
Sweet baby Jesus, I just made the mistake of going for a hollywood hot wax...gotta thank those pregnancy hormones and the increased blood flow 'down there' for adding a new dimension to my salon trip. My uterus is really tight - I hope I haven't freaked my poor little bean out!!! :(
Sweet baby Jesus, I just made the mistake of going for a hollywood hot wax...gotta thank those pregnancy hormones and the increased blood flow 'down there' for adding a new dimension to my salon trip. My uterus is really tight - I hope I haven't freaked my poor little bean out!!! :(

Eeeeek. Painful. (have to confess I giggled a bit too)
Had my dating scan today, they've dated me as 11+6 and I'm due 25th October, which is 3 days later than my period dated me, but better than last time where it was a week different. Baby was bouncing away and Waving. Baby also had it's legs crossed over a lot it was cute! Baby kept spinning over and not behaving!! She checked a few times to make sure there was just one though!!! Makes everything more real for hubby I think and I'm pretty relieved that it wasn't just in my head :lol:
Oooft kj1 you're brave i just took the clippers to my fandango and that's as good as it gets lmao!

Twinkle toes that's awesome :)

So after work I went to get some new bras as the girls are fucking killing me and I bought my first item of clothing for the baby eek! When I was stood there looking at stuff it really set my heart off beating realising it's going to go on my actual real life baby! I'm finally coming to terms with it all I reckon. I also found a stray pregnancy test in my bag so peed on that too! Still pregnant :rofl:

Yay twinkletoes that’s amazing news. :D

And I’m with you netty. Just the clippers for me. I’d had enough of the waxing by the end of university! :lol:
Also so so happy to hear you’ve been confident enough to get a baby item. In my first pregnancy my dad had bought our pram and bedside crib by this point ha ha.
Haha KJ1 that made me laugh!! Hope you’re not too traumatised by it.

Yay twinkletoes :-) :-)

Ah Netty so pleased for you that it’s feeling more real now. Exciting that you let yourself buy something! I bought a sneaky little babygro yesterday. Exciting times :-) xxx

I keep going in the spare room and looking at it like :-0

It's from primark! Just posted in the other October thread I feel so sorry for myself today. Tired /headache /sick ugh. I need someone to bring me tea and toast and pat my face

Oh ma gawdddd sooooooo cute Netty <3 baby shopping is the best! I&#8217;m trying to hold off for as long as I can lol. When do you think it&#8217;s a good time to start buying everything? Has anyone done any research on prams etc? I&#8217;m a bit lost!
I looked at prams and then died at the price of them.

My mum said she'd buy me one as a result. A full travel system! Phew

I like the icandy ones they seem really functional. Have you looked on Facebook marketplace because I checked for the icandy system and there were loads in there for half the price of new

I really like the egg stroller and carrycot. I might go and give it a whizz first and see if I still like it as much then. They are all so bloody expensive and I have absolutely zero knowledge on prams so it&#8217;s all a bit daunting.

Great that your Mum is purchasing yours as a present! I might carefully sow the seed with my parents too...
It's her first grandchild so she's super excited! I've had to properly tell her not to run out and buy stuff now and just wait!

I've not a clue on what to be looking for in a pram. Closer the time I'll probably do a poll on here and quiz the mums

I live in the heart of the Peak District so I need something sturdy and hard-core for outside for sure
It's from primark! Just posted in the other October thread I feel so sorry for myself today. Tired /headache /sick ugh. I need someone to bring me tea and toast and pat my face

Me too, really bad headache and nausea. Going to my Mums as my Neice and Nephew are there, I told them our news on Tuesday and my Neice insisted I bring my scan photos round today for her to look at. She’s so excited as baby will be her first 1st cousin.
So lucky, my Dad has offered to purchase our travel system. We&#8217;re looking at the Bugaboo Chameleon, but it&#8217;s not cheap. I like the icandy peach too. So far we&#8217;ve only bought socks as we wanted a pair to use on our announcement photo last week, but I&#8217;m so tempted to buy more only reason I&#8217;ve held off is my Mum thinks it&#8217;s bad luck this early.

A family member worked for Mothercare and raves about the bugaboo and after pushing it around I can see why as it&#8217;s so easy to use.
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Aww netty that outfit is soooo cute! I know I am going to go mad with shopping by the time baby is here, there is just too much lovely stuff, will need to try and restrain myself. I've got the nursery all planned out in my head so just need to hope hubby likes my ideas when I show him them in a couple of weeks when I've found it all haha!

I have had a few looks at travel systems but I'd really like a swivel car seat so its easier to get baby in and out so I think I'll need to buy things separately. My mum bought my sisters travel system last year that I'm sure was £900, her baby was completely unexpected and she'd known the guy for 5mins.. my mum knows we've been trying for years so I might be a brat and insist she gets mine too :whistle: :lol:
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Aww netty that outfit is soooo cute! I know I am going to go mad with shopping by the time baby is here, there is just too much lovely stuff, will need to try and restrain myself. I've got the nursery all planned out in my head so just need to hope hubby likes my ideas when I show him them in a couple of weeks when I've found it all haha!

I have had a few looks at travel systems but I'd really like a swivel car seat so its easier to get baby in and out so I think I'll need to buy things separately. My mum bought my sisters travel system last year that I'm sure was £900, her baby was completely unexpected and she'd known the guy for 5mins.. my mum knows we've been trying for years so I might be a brat and insist she gets mine too :whistle: :lol:

:lol: be a brat, it&#8217;s the only time we can get away with it! My parents helped us out recently then said don&#8217;t pay us back £1200, keep it for your travel system! So lovely when our parents surprise us like this, I&#8217;m very lucky to have such a fab family!

I only decided on the travel system due to the family members advice. She also highly recommends a puddle pod, her little one settles on that better than she did in her Moses basket so that is on my list!
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Lyndsey we are in the middle of having a house built and so the first yr with baby will be cramped up in our current rented house where I can't decorate so I'm lookin forward to the new house and starting from scratch with babies room. I love Peter rabbit stuff or Rudyard kipling illustrations so I'm hoping to Base the theme off that.

Following on from my rough morning I've just had a nosebleed! I've a headache too. I'm a little worried over my BP but can't reach anyone at the midwife centre ( joys of living rurally are that my midwife is actually based MILES away from me and only visits the area once a week)
I've taken the day off work so I guess I'll just rest


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