I have a bag..and i have the bits i need lying around various points of the house..the only problem would be grabbing them all and getting them into a bag when i go into labour, so i might think about packing it soon! :think: :think:
My bag is packed and ready to go!

Thought Id be needing it last night as i was getting pains every 10 minutes so I rang hubby to get him home from his mums (hell be there ll night otherwise)

and as soon as he walked through the door they stopped. typical! Ithink baby likes playing around. And Ive just noticed Ive only got 10 days!!!!

cassi said:
i done mine :dance:

I hope i will have done mine by the time i have 16 days to go :lol:
Was your bag packed with 26 days to go?
i should really get mine packed :shock:
You never know..i might need it before :pray:
Yeah mine has been done since i was about 33 weeks. But ve emptied and repacked it so many times in case ive forgotten anything. Stupid really we only live 5 minutes from the birthing centre.

Mine were half packed and poor DH was rushing round trying to pack the final bits when my waters broke 3 weeks early at 11.55pm....... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I expect my DH will have to rush around for the bits.
That is unless i pack it.
Which i think would be best because knowing what men are like he probably wont grab what i want :doh:
Mine are all done...just gotta wait for this lil man to come. Had pains from 6:30ish last night and the were getting worse up untill just after midnight and then they stopped :roll: have had a couple a lil while ago today so i hope its atleast the start of something, can honestly say ive never had this many pains in a week before let alone 2 days in a row :pray:
Argh that has been happening to me..its like my body is teasing me.. :wall: :wall:

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