.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

I've found a sling group near me and will start going when I'm off on maternity as I don't think they do it at weekends. I'd like to sling as I will have the dog to walk and it will be easier than pushing a pushchair on the field!

I'm clueless when it comes to pushchairs though. My friends told me to get I candy peach but they're out my price range even the second hand ones!
Ive lost weight my nausea wont let me eat anything! Everyone has commented on my weight loss. Im a big girl and always struggled with my weight and im so annoyed lol could i not have lost weight at any point before? I dread how big ill be after. I feel like i have a bump already though! I know its probably in my head but my waist bands are really annoying me in work. I have size 14s somewhere so i may hunt them out in the meantime.

My husband wants to baby carry. Hes excited about it, I dont think my back could manage tbh its fragile the best of times. Im quite happy with a pram. Argos have a lot of theirs half price at their baby event atm.
I'm a big girl too. Was overweight when I had my DD(15 months) and I put about a stone on after so even bigger now. Was going to try and stick to slimming world to hopefully lose a bit of weight in first tri but my appetite is all over the place at the min and I am eating a lot of quick and easy junk food because I have no energy to stand and cook healthy meals that I usually do. My bmi is currently about 35 so I am worried the midwife will say something when I see her. Really got to try and do something sooner rather than later but it's so hard to get my head in gear
I'm a big girl too. Was overweight when I had my DD(15 months) and I put about a stone on after so even bigger now. Was going to try and stick to slimming world to hopefully lose a bit of weight in first tri but my appetite is all over the place at the min and I am eating a lot of quick and easy junk food because I have no energy to stand and cook healthy meals that I usually do. My bmi is currently about 35 so I am worried the midwife will say something when I see her. Really got to try and do something sooner rather than later but it's so hard to get my head in gear

My BMI was 34 on my booking appointment they didn't say anything as I was worrying with all the weight I had put on. She actually said you don't look that!!! However looks are deceiving I am a big girl and gone from a 12 to a 16/18 in a matter of 8 months :( don't be worrying about it. We are big girls they can't tell us off xxxx
I'm thinking of getting a baby wrap too x

Have you baby carried before? Highly recommend it, i still carry my 3yr old xx

No I'v used a swing with my second baby and that settled him however I like the idea of the baby wrap more, I'v looked into them and I like the Kari-me ones. What make have you got? X

Ive got a solaweave connecta and a lenny lamb wrap, but never used a stretchy as only started slinging when my lo was 5 months.

Do you have a sling drop in group near you xx

Ok and I don't know will have a look. X
My bmi is 33 ive been really freaking out about it. Gp just said now is not the time to worry about weight lol. I did have to take s higher dose of folic acid though, 5mg do any of you?
My bmi is 33 ive been really freaking out about it. Gp just said now is not the time to worry about weight lol. I did have to take s higher dose of folic acid though, 5mg do any of you?

No but I haven't seen gp. Just booked straight in for midwife but not until I'm 10+2
I wish we could do that here. You have to go through GP so im still waiting to hear about appointments :(
I just rang doctors and they asked if I wanted to keep it and then booked me in straight for midwife. I went to see gp with my DD but all she did was ask how I felt about it, gave me my EDD and told me to book in with midwife. Bit pointless really. She didn't even confirm that I was pregnant
I didnt go to my GP for that reason this time. I went last time with my pregnancy test all excited and I was like Im pregnant, hes like oh.. ok.. congrats, Ill give you some FA and refer you to MW. Didnt even check my test or nothing. So this time I rung direct. GPs are bloody useless.

Im having some sharp pressure and pain, like a stitch on my left-mid side of my uterus, I dunno whether to leave it pass or phone EPU. Ive had no blood or anything but its quite sore moving about or breathing. Im sure alls well Im not overly worried, just the first pain I've noticed this pregnancy.

I think I took 5mg, but I took that last time too. Think 5mg a day is a normal dose for those who are on multivits. My BMI is still 24 though, not much change due to the FA.

In my last pregnancy my bmi was 30 so I had to have the gtt. Got it down to 25 before this pregnancy and I really want to stay under 30 until after my BA on 4/4!! I also didn't bother phoning dr this time as the appointment is so pointless! Phoned Drs and asked to book in with mw straight away x
Is anyone else been super tired this tri? I went to bed at half 8 and woke up at half 7 to do the school run, I then come back home and feel asleep and have only just woken up and I still feel tired but have work to do!! In my last two pregnancies I was never this tired lol ! X
Week 10 was a shattering week for me. Usually Im quite on ball, come home and get stuck into the house and get the dinner on. But last week I came home, and lay either on my bed or on the couch, feeling just so tired.

I have been going to bed a bit earlier, like yesterday I came in managed to get some housework done and got the floors mopped etc but was in my bed a bit earlier, so I am deffo feeling the need to sleep earlier now but the overall feeling of exhaustion has left. I was all proud I got the house did yesterday, doesnt seem a big deal but I felt so useless coming home and being a potato basically.

Thanks, its either wind or constipation. Not pooped in a couple days :lol:

Ahh very excited got my BA and scan on 11th April so happy it came through.
Yer I feel so useless as I'm so tired, the housework as been half done and it doesn't help that my Hoover packed up so having to buy a new one
I'm pretty useless too! I work 1-8 today, so usually try and get a bit of housework done (toddler allowing!) but, today I feel so crap and tired, I've barely done anything! Also feel guilty that I'm not the fun bouncy mummy I usually am! X
I need a new hoover, I have a henry atm - which is brilliant but its not an upright - which is proving difficult for myself and OH whos 6ft 3 to hoover with.

I think we are going with the Dyson, the ball one.

I'm beyond useless. I've done nothing round the house and fall asleep on the sofa most evenings when I get home from work. My hubby has been great at doing washing up, laundry and cooking but there's still so much else to do. Think I'll need some time off work when I have more energy to get the house in order!

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