.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

I've put on so much weight already since being pregnant :/ I've gone from a size 16 to an 18 and even that's starting to feel tight. I'm eating far to much junk and cheap. Decided today to start slimming world so I can maintain a healthy lifestyle in this pregnancy. I feel so gross right now.
I feel the same! Lost three stone last year on slimming world and have managed to maintain, but right now all i can do is eat! It's horrendous and I feel huge already! Just gonna go with it for the first trimester and then try and be good in the second! If all else fails, I'll join SW again in January lol x
I seem to be the same size as I was but I know Im getting heavier so its just a matter of time really :lol:

Im a size 10 normally, with some room, but now Im on the tighter side of 10 - a 12 for tops now because my mummy tummy has just re-inflated.

Last time I didnt need bigger clothes until like 6m... I highly doubt Ill last the end of this month!

Yer I'v put on weight too as I eat all the time as it helps my nausea lol
I'm really gonna have to get strict with food, I've not been too bad and try to eat fruit and nuts and yoghurts if need extra but my portion sizes for meals have got bigger!

We had booked our wedding for September this year and 3 weeks later found out we we're pregnant so have postponed it till April 17 so I've only 6 months to slim back down. Not sure it's possible!!
Why oh why is my morning sickness in the evening. I feel fine at work then as soon as I get home I feel terrible.
Rang my docs today after being discharged from the IVF clinic, got my midwife appointment on Thursday already! X
Ps I had a very vivid dream last night that I went into labour and I could feel the baby moving around inside me getting ready to come out. It was nice but weird lol xx
I have put on nearly a stone and can't stop eating rubbish I am trying to have fruit and veg but I really want junk!! After my scan on Friday im planning on getting some maternity clothes ( think it's to make me feel more pregnant than podgy!) any tips someone told me to get a size bigger? Xx
I just got the size I was always try stuff on though because some tops particulary long ones tend to be a bit too baggy at the belly unless youv got a proper bump going on.

The trousers etc i just got my normal size. I had a few size biggers incase but I felt a bit frumpy in the bigger ones because they were baggy at my thighs lol..

Newlook is fab i loved there or next.. Or tk maxx too if you have one of them near.

I just got a size bigger in jeggins. Theyr a 12 and fit when I just get them out the dryer lol but big by the end of the day so I really wont buy anymore bigger normal clothes unless its like the primark stretchy vests etc, loved them in my last pregnancy too.

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I have put on a couple of stone since I had an ectopic pregnancy in June last year. Didn't manage to shift that before I got pregnant with this one. So I feel the size of the house at the moment too! Just going with the flow and going to embrace what my body will look like! I agree with cherrybelly will join fat class in January :) xxx
I'm thinking of getting a baby wrap too x

Have you baby carried before? Highly recommend it, i still carry my 3yr old xx

No I'v used a swing with my second baby and that settled him however I like the idea of the baby wrap more, I'v looked into them and I like the Kari-me ones. What make have you got? X

Ive got a solaweave connecta and a lenny lamb wrap, but never used a stretchy as only started slinging when my lo was 5 months.

Do you have a sling drop in group near you xx
Why oh why is my morning sickness in the evening. I feel fine at work then as soon as I get home I feel terrible.

Mine is exactly the same! It starts about 3pm and I feel utterly awful for the rest of the night!x

Snap here too. I'm up at 5:15am. School finishes at 3 (I'm a teacher). I work until 5pm before traveling home and I spend those two hours thinking about food and feeling sick. :( Then I'm knackered for when I get my own time in the evening! Rubbish!

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