.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Here's my little peanut! You can see the yolk sac at the top, baby at the bottom, head to the left xx


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Awe congrats on your early scan! I have mine two weeks tomorrow eep! X
I was so anxious, but honestly I feel so at ease now! I was having lots of pains in my left side so was worried about being ectopic, everything is in the right place and baby is growing as expected. It was a beautiful experience xx
Gah! Just called my Drs and they can't fit me in until 4th April when I'll be almost 11w! That means my scan will be super late! My own fault, I should've rang sooner :( X
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Ive told management and all the work girls know.

One less thing to do I guess.

I was so anxious, but honestly I feel so at ease now! I was having lots of pains in my left side so was worried about being ectopic, everything is in the right place and baby is growing as expected. It was a beautiful experience xx

That's fab news. I had an early scan with my daughter at seven weeks as I was anxious after a mmc before her. It was amazing and the best £100 I've ever spent! X
Definitely worth paying for. Would you consider a private scan with this one now you know when your official apt is? it's worth it if it makes you feel better xx
Gah! Just called my Drs and they can't fit me in until 4th April when I'll be almost 11w! That means my scan will be super late! My own fault, I should've rang sooner :( X

My doctors wouldn't see me till I had effectively missed two periods anyway so I rang the health centre and self referred to midwife but still didn't get an appointment until 22nd March (which felt a while away when I booked it!) I'll be 10+4 by then so guessing I won't get my dating scan until well after 12 weeks
Definitely worth paying for. Would you consider a private scan with this one now you know when your official apt is? it's worth it if it makes you feel better xx

I've already booked a private scan for 16th March when I'll be 8 weeks :) x
Gah! Just called my Drs and they can't fit me in until 4th April when I'll be almost 11w! That means my scan will be super late! My own fault, I should've rang sooner :( X

My doctors wouldn't see me till I had effectively missed two periods anyway so I rang the health centre and self referred to midwife but still didn't get an appointment until 22nd March (which felt a while away when I booked it!) I'll be 10+4 by then so guessing I won't get my dating scan until well after 12 weeks

I haven't bothered seeing my dr as he doesn't really do anything, just gives leaflets and tells you to book in with mw. Ideally they book you in at 8w, they're going to see if they can get me an appointment at a different clinic, but I doubt they will.. Never mind! X
I have nothing booked! I go to gp on thurs and hopefully that gets the ball rolling. God knows when ill see my baba :(
Hi ladies!
I am new to this but needed somewhere to go and chat with other early mummies!
I am pregnant with number 4! I am 29 and had an ectopic pregnancy losing my left tube last june. It's taken till now but we are pregnant!!! I have had a very early scan at 5 weeks lots of pain which seems to be from a burst cyst. They seen the sac and yolk and EPU discharged me. I paid privately for a reassurance scan last week I was 6 weeks to the day and they seen the heartbeat. I have a repeat scan with my hospital tomorrow as I have a blood clotting condition and need blood thinning injections throughout the pregnancy. Therefore they want to check for the heartbeat. Anyway they are currently working my EDD for 19th October.
How is everyone feeling? I don't seem to be very symptomatic this time round.
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Oh!! Congratulations! Welcome :):)

Im feeling okay today but i havent left bed cause im working tonight. Ive a serious case of itchy tingly boobs lolol. Everyone is so different some here have terrible sickness and others arent as symptomatic either. I cant believe how different everyone is. This is my first so its a giant learning experience :)

Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months :)
Thanks for the warm welcome ladies, looking forward to getting to know you all!

Congratulations MummyMoreton, Symptom wise I have really sore nipples, and just nauseous during the afternoon, like waves of feeling sick but not actually throwing up, and last week I had a 3 day headache but thankfully that's feeling much better now! xx
My boobs have been tender on and off say if one of my other children where to jump on me. I have been quite tired but nausea had been next to nothing. I was quite nauseous by this time with my other 3. I know that every pregnancy is different but I have even wished for sickness for some reassurance that everything is progressing as it should. It's a massive learning experience every time :)
Congratulations to you all and yes wishing you all a happy and healthy 9 months xxx
Hi ladies and welcome to all the newbies, so good to see we have a big group going on! I go to college and work, so all in all I end up doing about 50 hours a week with work and college and my sickness and tiredness has really got in the way of this recently. I am very ahead at college so after a meeting with them yesterday I have reduced my hours as I don't have a lot left to do and my course doesn't end til June! So that's good, however work haven't reacted as great to me being off, although I can't help it! Obviously you all know I've had a pretty rough start, 9 weeks today and I've already had 3 scans and a midwife trip because of my bleeding but all of that subsided about 2 weeks ago now so not many worries for the babies health, just for my own at the moment! I was supposed to be back in college today 9-4 and then working 5-10 but I physically can't do it. I fell asleep at tea time last night and didn't get up til 12 today! So college was missed. Not sure whether to call my midwife and speak to her to see if it would be worth trying to get signed off college just for a couple of weeks? Or should I wait til my midwife appointment next Wednesday? Xx
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Lovely scan photo! Congratulations :D

Welcome newbies also! I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

I'm so tired right now, I could easily have a nap but MIL is visiting and I feel rude sneaking off to bed :lol:
Hello charm_er! :wave:

Welcome to the group and congratulations! I hope this is 3rd time lucky for you.

Please can I have your first name for the group register and please keep us informed of any upcoming scan/MW appts.

I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!!


Hi Lou and welcome :wave:

Did you mean to post in this thread? If you did let me know and I can add you to the reg.


Hi hedgehog - please can I have your first name for the group register?



Hi MillerMissus and welcome.

I dont seem to have you listed, I mustv missed your original post, sorry about that.

Please can I have your first name and due date so that I can add you to the group reg.

Also, please keep us informed of any upcoming scan/MW appts.

I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!!



Hi JoS and welcome to the group :wave:

Congratulations on baby number 3. I was super bloated for weeks but at 9 and a half weeks it has settled.

People tend to show earlier the more pregnancies.

Please keep us posted of any scan/MW appts. Also, Im guessing your a Joanne too?

I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!


Hello and welcome to the group :wave:

Congratulations on your IVF baby. Pregnancy or TTC a pregnancy can sure take its toll. Its a constant worry and let me tell you, it doesnt stop, even when baby arrives.

I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Plese keep us posted with your scan/MW appt, your scan due is tht a early scan yeah? Also Im guessing your first name is Megan? Just so I can add your name to the reg on page1.

Good luck.


Hey Natnat and welcome to the group :wave:

Congratulations on your first baby!! I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Good luck with the scan. I had our first baby early scan on our 10 year anniversary. Second baby early scan ws my birthday. Its lovely having such good news and meeting baby on a special day.

Ill wish away your weeks as my next scan is end of March! :p itll be here soon.

Keep us posted with your booking in appt and dating scan too. Ill add all the info in. Im guessing your first name is Natalie?


Hey! Yes my names Natalie,
It will all be a bit different for me as I will be in France working until I'm about 34 weeks pregnant and they do it very differently here, I'll see the doctor on the 4th April and he will do my scan there and then, he will also take blood at that appointment, and after that's all done I will see the doctor every month and get a scan every month too as that's how they do it here! I'm seeing the same doctor that my friend did last year during her pregnancy so I'm really happy about that! :)

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