Hello Ladies.
I have been following this thread for a few weeks now. I got my BFP just over three weeks ago and my Estimated Due date is 12th Oct. I am cautiously writing this as i had a miscariage last August when i was 8 weeks and my previous pregnancy ended with a medical termination in January 2015 due to the baby's heart not developing properly. I was only 19 weeks when he was born. I hope this is third time lucky for me.
It is nice to meet you all xx
Hello charm_er!
Welcome to the group and congratulations! I hope this is 3rd time lucky for you.
Please can I have your first name for the group register and please keep us informed of any upcoming scan/MW appts.
I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!!
Lou - due date 26th �� Apologies. Posted in wrong thread & can't delete ��
Hi Lou and welcome
Did you mean to post in this thread? If you did let me know and I can add you to the reg.
I'm anxious as I have no real symptoms. Didn't have any with my first and i feel that I can't be that lucky that I have no sickness with this one either. Only 4+6 so I know there's still time but still worried x
Hi hedgehog - please can I have your first name for the group register?
Ooooh which venue Wilson? Is it local to Sheffield? Xx
Hi MillerMissus and welcome.
I dont seem to have you listed, I mustv missed your original post, sorry about that.
Please can I have your first name and due date so that I can add you to the group reg.
Also, please keep us informed of any upcoming scan/MW appts.
I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!!
Can I join you October ladies? I'm due on the 14th. I haven't read all of this thread, but is anyone starting to show, I'm convinced I am, this is baby number three so I haven't got any stomach muscles left anyway!
Hi JoS and welcome to the group
Congratulations on baby number 3. I was super bloated for weeks but at 9 and a half weeks it has settled.
People tend to show earlier the more pregnancies.
Please keep us posted of any scan/MW appts. Also, Im guessing your a Joanne too?
I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!
Hi Ladies, I used to be on the trying to conceive boards a while back before I started my first IVF cycle when I had a break from the forum. Thought it would be nice to be part of a pregnancy forum now and try make it feel a bit more real. My due date is the 28th Oct. I've had some spotting the past few weeks and not due a scan until the 23rd of March. Feel like I'm going out of my mind ! Not had any major symptoms, just some headaches and my boobs are starting to get a little sore but not as bad as they get around my period. I thought once I had my BFP I would rlax but this is worse than going through the treatment.
Hope everyone else is getting on well x
Hello and welcome to the group
Congratulations on your IVF baby. Pregnancy or TTC a pregnancy can sure take its toll. Its a constant worry and let me tell you, it doesnt stop, even when baby arrives.
I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy.
Plese keep us posted with your scan/MW appt, your scan due is tht a early scan yeah? Also Im guessing your first name is Megan? Just so I can add your name to the reg on page1.
Good luck.
Hey everyone, my names Natalie, I'm currently 8weeks and 2 days pregnant with my first baby, I'm due on the 8th October, and my scan is forever away on the 4th April!!
This is because I'm a posted worker and I'm currently working in France and they soonest they could get me in is April 4th which is actually mine and my oh anniversary!
Looking forward to chatting with you all during our pregnancies!

Hey Natnat and welcome to the group
Congratulations on your first baby!! I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy.
Good luck with the scan. I had our first baby early scan on our 10 year anniversary. Second baby early scan ws my birthday. Its lovely having such good news and meeting baby on a special day.
Ill wish away your weeks as my next scan is end of March!

itll be here soon.
Keep us posted with your booking in appt and dating scan too. Ill add all the info in. Im guessing your first name is Natalie?