.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Baby Anderson! :) everything was perfect however they found a sac of fluid which she says was likely a twin that hasn't survived :( it would of died very early about 4/5 weeks. But at least we have one healthy bubba!

Gutted though at the thought there was potential for non-identical twins, but never mind.

Aw lovely photo! Glad all is well.
Sorry to hear about the other little one xx
Lovely pic angel lily!

Today I noticed my tummy has got really hairy!!! Lots of fluffy baby type hair lol I'm guessing this is normal and I'm not growing a baby chimp?!
Thank you everyone and I'm feeling gutted at the thought of losing the twin, but not sad because I never knew and it was early. I feel like I'm dwelling on what could of been, but I'm happy to have one happy live pregnancy :)

I've noticed my tummy getting hairy around the belly button, I've always had hair there but its growing quicker than normal...
Mine aren't darkening except a couple round the belly button but just lots more fluffy type hair all over really.

I didn't think 1st pregnancies show until 12-16 weeks but I'm looking pretty round already and worried I'll not keep it a secret much longer. I'm already using baggy tops and hair bobble on my jeans but most trousers are jeggings which are cutting in as don't have zips or buttons and work trousers are those clip types so can't expand them with the bobble trick.

Anyone else show early with their 1st?
Baby Anderson! :) everything was perfect however they found a sac of fluid which she says was likely a twin that hasn't survived :( it would of died very early about 4/5 weeks. But at least we have one healthy bubba!

Gutted though at the thought there was potential for non-identical twins, but never mind.

Gorgeous pic! That's really sad about the twin, but glad the other baby is doing well x
Angelily - lovely picture Awh bless sorry to hear about the twin but one healthy baby Hun is amazing xx
It's another 4 weeks before I find out if our little baby is ok, patience is tough when your a control freak like me! Trying to keep busy! Xx
Lovely scan pic nicole, so to hear about the twin but as you one live and healthy is good.

Im the same, Im dark haired anyway but mine are growing quicker and darker not so much my belly button yet, but elsewhere...

If I let my hair grow Id be like an italian man. :rofl:

It's another 4 weeks before I find out if our little baby is ok, patience is tough when your a control freak like me! Trying to keep busy! Xx

My scan felt like a long wait. But as long as youv not had anything concerning try and remain positive.

Of course we are all scared, but I tried just playing it by no blood or severe cramping everything *should* be fine, and thankfully it was.

Youll be ok sweets!!

Hi girls

Scan went fab, measurin a day ahead so bang on from implant date.

Baby was wriggling and waving. Seen heartbeat strong and clear.

Got my pics on a disk and printed them so got them a good size. 7 by 5.

Side view, front view on its side and side view again.

We are buzzing.


Hey Hun haven't been on for a few days just been quite a few pages back to find these pics! Congrats lovely pics xx
Hi girls

Scan went fab, measurin a day ahead so bang on from implant date.

Baby was wriggling and waving. Seen heartbeat strong and clear.

Got my pics on a disk and printed them so got them a good size. 7 by 5.

Side view, front view on its side and side view again.

We are buzzing.


Hey Hun haven't been on for a few days just been quite a few pages back to find these pics! Congrats lovely pics xx

Thanks love, I was a bit nervous because Ive still not had any full on sickness yet, but I feel it may be a calm before the storm type thing.

Hope your ok?

The wait is horrible. I was fighting with my doppler yesterday trying to find a heartbeat :lol: Of course it's far to early for that! Just thought I'd give it a try anyway.
The wait is horrible. I was fighting with my doppler yesterday trying to find a heartbeat :lol: Of course it's far to early for that! Just thought I'd give it a try anyway.

I tried mine too last night and nothing, kind of sounded like there may have been something in the distance but prob wishful thinking.

I ran out of gel. So used my c+. They use ky in the clinics if none gel it worked fine. Not going to need it now.

Im so tempted to get one. Think my OH would just set up camp lolol. Oh angellily how exciting. Sorry to hear about twin :(.

I had the contraceptive implant in for years before getting pregnant so ive been plagued with dark hairs on my belly im kinda hoping it doesn't get worse now! Id be mortified lol!
I ran out of gel too so I used baby lotion :lol: It worked! I heard wooshing noises and my own heartbeat. I found Jaidens at 11 weeks, so I think I'll wait until then to try.

I love my doppler, I bought it in my first pregnancy. My only advice would don't get worked up over them, some times you can't find the heartbeat and that's okay! They are for entertainment only, not medical diagnosis. I know midwifes do not like people using them, but I think as long as you're reasonable with them they're totally good to have!
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I had no issues with mine first pregnancy but I bought it later on and found it no probs.

This time I used it kind of expecting not to hear it as its early..

Yeah as long as you dont like panic loads theyr fine. I only used mine a few times then the movement was enough for reassurance.

I do like the sound of my womb, esp when you can hear baby move.

If listening to headphones the kicks can almost blow your ear drums. I love the HB sound. Like a little train.

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Good morning ladies!!

Hope everyone's ok! Sorry, I struggle to keep up with all the posts as work crazy hours, but today is my morning off and then I'm off Wednesday and Thursday woop! My lg gave me the luxury of a lay in until 7:20am today (she's usually up by 6!) and we're now eating Rice Krispies and watching peppa pig lol.

Symptom wise, I'm feeling quite nauseous on and off, have quite painful bloating on and off and am a right grumpy cow! Considering biting he bullet and phoning to book appointment with mw today, but I'm scared I'll have to cancel it :(
hello ladies,

Had my EP scan today and i'm 8 weeks 3 days, EDD 8th October! so happy to be joining you xx (My name's Ashleigh) xx

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