.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Yeah don't be embarrassed Amanda, I think it's quite common and perfectly normal. All the extra hormones can kick it off. My anxiety has heightened as well X

Update here, slept awful and very lightly. Every dream was about losing the baby. Woken up to more blood and it's dark brown and heavier. Just done another digi (exactly a week after my first) and it now says 2-3 weeks. I'm not going to go into work today (I'll have to tell them why as just had a week off then half term) and also need to phone The fertility clinic and see what they say..... Still got pain 😕

Oh no, sorry to hear this. Don't push yourself to go in Hun, it's not worth it. Saying that, I feel like crap and my mum text me at 8pm last night to say she can't have my daughter today (thanks for the notice)!! If we weren't so busy and I didn't have an important meeting I'd def have the day off today. Just hope the woman chairing it isn't being a bitch (she can be a right cow) or I'll bloody well cry!

I really hope the clinic can give you a scan and good news xxx

Hope it hasn't been too bad for you today. Will you be able to get away a bit earlier? X

It wasn't too bad in the end thanks! Meeting went well and my sister had my lg (life saver!!) now have two days off but mot tomorrow boooo! X
I'm always shattered by 6pm anyway (side effect of having a toddler) but now I'm pretty much shattered all day haha! X
Oh good about your sister saving the day :) i do find im going to bed earlier these days. Is anyone suffering from urine infections? Xx
Oh and I told my boss today who was very supportive after last time and has promised to look after me lol x
Hey all ill do my updates at work tomorrow. Easier on the pc.

Hope everyones well. Good news about the scan Amanda. Are you still going 24th?

Hey all ill do my updates at work tomorrow. Easier on the pc.

Hope everyones well. Good news about the scan Amanda. Are you still going 24th?


Glad you didn't need a prescription. Hope GP can help.

My sickness hasn't been as bad today although I was still sick after my dinner. Now sat in bed munching dry Melba toast and an apple!

Early scan tomorrow night. Eek x
Oh god I've now just got carried away and eaten almost a whole jar of pickles!!! I just hope they stay down!

I remember my last pregnancy I was right into eating pickles! Defo think this baby is another wee boy. Too many similarities and completely different to my first with my girl. With my girl I was addicted to chocolate. Last pregnancy and this one honestly wouldn't thank you for chocolate!x
Ooooh pickles :x i only just started eating pickled onion whe pregnanct with J. Hated anything pickley before. Always liked gerkins mind u lol.

Yeah not bad. Glad cause I dont want glasses yet. Still time for it.

Oh god exciting. Ive got tomorrow in work and will no doubt spend wednesday night shitting it.

Good lck tmoz. Am excited to seeee.

Hey all ill do my updates at work tomorrow. Easier on the pc.

Hope everyones well. Good news about the scan Amanda. Are you still going 24th?


Hiya, its my booking in apt today 24th..,

Hopefully no more scans till 12wks.

As for the thought of pickles i could vomit lol...honestly even chocolate ive gone off lol

Hey all ill do my updates at work tomorrow. Easier on the pc.

Hope everyones well. Good news about the scan Amanda. Are you still going 24th?


Hiya, its my booking in apt today 24th..,

Hopefully no more scans till 12wks.

As for the thought of pickles i could vomit lol...honestly even chocolate ive gone off lol


Aw my bad hun. I thought it was a scan.

Yeah Fx, at least youv checked in on bub a couple times ;)

I'm constantly tired at the moment, last night I fell asleep at 8:30 and woke up at.... 8:30am :lol: a full 12 hours and somehow I'm still tired...

I'm having to rearrange my early scan as I'm working 11-8:30 on my birthday so I'm going to ring the clinic and book it for either next week or the week after. This month has flown by! The first trimester in my first pregnancy dragged so much but this one seems to be flying!!

Im all booked in will get my hospital appt in a week xx
My god I'm feeling tough the past few days sickness tends to start around 11pm and just gradually gets worse it's awful ibhave no appetite amd no Intrest in food I eat cos I have to but I don't want to and trying to plan meals for family is Horendous I have no interest in food at all 😕 Tiredness is kicking my arse as i have a toddler too I just wanna sit on my butt and feel sorry for myself! Hope ur all ok sorry again for not coming on much I have a Facebook group for October I also go on which seems to take most my time up lol 7 weeks today yey
Had my first bout of morning sickness this morning. It was just bile, it was awful, I've felt rough all day :( xx
Orange juice, oranges, melons and grapes i find settle sickness a little xx
Ive been sick at work today. Thank god I have like 3h left!

I craved fruit last time, including OJ and oranges but the acidic just made me worse.

Spose it depends on what your stomach can handle.

Ill need to get one of the wee bands today.


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