.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Hi Ladies

How are you all?

I feel as sick as a dog! Got up this morning and was sick several times getting ready for work! Really couldn't stomach food but had a slice of toast and some strawberries and a packet of crisps. Then had some soup about an hour ago. I feel sick if I don't eat and I feel sick if I do! Can't win.

The laugh was when I went into the office this morning three different colleagues said I looked fabulous this morning! Haha. Not sur did I normally look like a dogs dinner but thought it was funny since I had been throwing up all morning before going in! Lol. No one at work knows.

I'm also feeling like my tummy is definitely expanding!

Counting down to my early scan wed just hoping and praying all will be ok xx

I took a polar drinks bottle to work with me today and had 3.5 of squash as well as lots of snacks, it definitely helped! My tights def feel tight on my tummy today.

Awwww you obv have the pregnancy glow lol!!

Fingers crossed for your scan xxx
Oh and I would definitely go and eat one, or two, creme eggs in front of him LOL.

Lol I've not really fancied chocolate as much but it's the principle of being asked and knowing someone's thought about you!

Pfft men hey!!
Hope everyone's good?! Great news Shauna 😀

I'm not great, freaking out really. Went back to work today (had 2 weeks off following out FET transfer) woke up at 3am this morning stressing about stuff. I haven't really had many symptoms for a few days either. This afternoon I've had a really tender tummy, not cramps but pressure and a bit sore. Just been to the loo and there's a streak of light brown blood in my knickers and a tiny amount when wiped. My periods always start like this, so feeling crap right now 😔

Oh no! Fx it's just implantation hun. Try not to stress too much (I know it's hard) xxx
Evening girls

I feel i can only turn here in confidence, i suffer health anxiety and have a fear over dying, when i fell pregnant last time it got so bad i suffered awful panic attacks fear of dying in pregnancy/labour, ive just sat in floods of tears fearing the same again, thinking life is presious and fear of dying while having this baby...i havent told my oh how i feel again, i feel embarresed, i thought i had nailed it this time :( xx

Deffo nothing to be embarassed about. I randomly develop a total irrational fear of wind turbines and read up on facing phobias to sort it as I would literally not look at the road ahead and start crying when I saw them. Makes it difficult driving around safely!

Maybe speak to your midwife to see if you can get some CBT or something?
Hi girls, hope you're sickness and symptoms aren't too bad today.

I'm feeling pretty low and completely under appreciated.

I'm missing the gym and tired from really disturbed sleep, upset tummy in the morning and the inability to concentrate at work.
I organised the slow cooker for today's meal last night whilst preparing last nights tea. Got home walked the dog and got dinner finished.
OH gets in from the gym and says he doesn't want to go food shopping (I've nothing in for my lunches) he then questions whether I put any beef in the stew at dinner and then not only does he not even thank me or say he enjoyed it he goes and gets a creme egg from a pack he must have brought home and comes back into the living room and doesn't even offer me one!!

He bought me lunch out yesterday and is sorting new tyres on my car but I'd much rather a thank you and some thoughtfulness than paying for lunch out.
I know I'm over sensitive but I just feel like I could cry! I'm never this much of a wuss I'd normally just tell him he's being a dick!

Raa! I hate feeling under appreciated! I know what you mean about being over sensitive at the minute, I cry at anything right now, whereas I'd normally shout haha x
Good luck for wed.

Im currently overcoming a awful migraine. Lost my left sight today was pretty scary.

Got an appointment for an eye test tomorrow and ill get my bp etc did next week at my booking.

If no joy ill need rereferred to neuro as its getting worse. Mri came back a few white incidental spots n thats it.

Brain feels like its gonna explode on the right side when I cough.


That doesn't sound good at all. What time is your app Tom? Thinking of you xxx

3pm. Im only in a half day tomorrow, then a full day Wednesday and Im off till Tuesday..

Ive had the loss of vision once before. I was getting investigated at neuro but they kinda disharged me and left me to it lol. Usually my face and eye goes tight and tingley. Before I realized what it was I thought I was having a stroke :lol:

The last 2 times today and a few month ago it started with a blue square, then it got bigger then my whole left vision looked like a heatwave. Then the pain came. Its not too bad now but in the background. When I bend down or something.

If nothing alarming at the opticians tomorrow Ill get it further checked. It is migraine with aura but Ill need something suitable in pregnancy and stronger than paracetamol as it doesnt cut it. Lasted an hour today and I cant afford to suddenly lose sight if Im out alone or with Jackson.

Thanks hunni xxxx
Good luck for wed.

Im currently overcoming a awful migraine. Lost my left sight today was pretty scary.

Got an appointment for an eye test tomorrow and ill get my bp etc did next week at my booking.

If no joy ill need rereferred to neuro as its getting worse. Mri came back a few white incidental spots n thats it.

Brain feels like its gonna explode on the right side when I cough.


Oh gosh! How scary! Glad you've got an eye test tomorrow! Xxx

I know. I did get a bit frightened when I couldnt see or focus.

Felt like I couldnt control my sight. Scary.

First eye test in 8 year lol. I have perfect vision but alot can change in 8 year esp working at a PC all day.

I had CBT thearpy but she couldnt go to deep with it as she said it would trigger panic attacks and it wasnt best while pregnant. I had such a bad pregnancy with panic attacks n anxiety and then a bad birth, it tooka while to feel normal again, i think i might tell the midwife on wednesday at my booking appt its really on my mind....last time i spoke about it on here 4yrs ago i was badly judged to the point someone said why are you even pregnant :( i cant help that i feel presious about life. Xx
Bloody little mermaid has set the emoations off tonight watching it with my little man xx
Im in bed now snuggling and about to watch fringe. Totally hooked on it.

Gonna indulge in a milkmade hotchoc with cream this evening. Its no wonder Im getting chunky. Spose the calcium is good for me.

I wonder what the opticians will say. No doubt come out needing milk bottle bottom glasses.

Evening girls

I feel i can only turn here in confidence, i suffer health anxiety and have a fear over dying, when i fell pregnant last time it got so bad i suffered awful panic attacks fear of dying in pregnancy/labour, ive just sat in floods of tears fearing the same again, thinking life is presious and fear of dying while having this baby...i havent told my oh how i feel again, i feel embarresed, i thought i had nailed it this time :( xx

Don't be embarrassed. I have suffered health anxiety since 2010. Things are under control but for over 4 years things were horrendous for me and my family. I still managed to work and keep it a secret! Things took a turn for the worst in my last pregnancy and post natally. The hormones in pregnancy can often trigger it to worsen. I have sent you a wee pm too xxxx
Evening girls

I feel i can only turn here in confidence, i suffer health anxiety and have a fear over dying, when i fell pregnant last time it got so bad i suffered awful panic attacks fear of dying in pregnancy/labour, ive just sat in floods of tears fearing the same again, thinking life is presious and fear of dying while having this baby...i havent told my oh how i feel again, i feel embarresed, i thought i had nailed it this time :( xx

Thread crashing to say this is SO common, especially during pregnancy. I get severe SEVERE health anxiety during pregnancy-- not for myself, but for my kids. It's crippling and all-consuming. I was constantly in a state of panic last time that something would happen to my daughter. Now I'm obsessively worried about my son. He has a lymph node behind his ear that's been swollen for 3 months- I take him to the doctor on Wednesday to have it looked at. He's 100% fine otherwise but I'm horrified he has cancer or a brain tumor. I have had several can't-breathe uncontrollable fits of weeping over it the last few days. It's out of control, I can not get a grip. I need Wednesday to be here and al horrified for Wednesday to be here.

Hormones do crazy things to our brains and they feel real, but really that voice is a crazy demon who is a liar. I know how hard that anxiety is, and how real it feels. You are not even a little bit alone.
Yeah don't be embarrassed Amanda, I think it's quite common and perfectly normal. All the extra hormones can kick it off. My anxiety has heightened as well X

Update here, slept awful and very lightly. Every dream was about losing the baby. Woken up to more blood and it's dark brown and heavier. Just done another digi (exactly a week after my first) and it now says 2-3 weeks. I'm not going to go into work today (I'll have to tell them why as just had a week off then half term) and also need to phone The fertility clinic and see what they say..... Still got pain 😕
Yeah don't be embarrassed Amanda, I think it's quite common and perfectly normal. All the extra hormones can kick it off. My anxiety has heightened as well X

Update here, slept awful and very lightly. Every dream was about losing the baby. Woken up to more blood and it's dark brown and heavier. Just done another digi (exactly a week after my first) and it now says 2-3 weeks. I'm not going to go into work today (I'll have to tell them why as just had a week off then half term) and also need to phone The fertility clinic and see what they say..... Still got pain 😕

Don't push yourself to get to work. I hope you get some reassurance from the clinic, I'm sure it's all ok xxx
Thanks girls really means alot i could talk to you all, anxiety for me is worse at nightime esp when im more tired. I seem to have hit that phase of crying period now the moodiness has gone so everything has upset me.
I told my oh briefly last night things has flared up a little again and he just come and give me a big hug bless him.

Louielly have you been having some trouble in pregnancy xx
Im in bed now snuggling and about to watch fringe. Totally hooked on it.

Gonna indulge in a milkmade hotchoc with cream this evening. Its no wonder Im getting chunky. Spose the calcium is good for me.

I wonder what the opticians will say. No doubt come out needing milk bottle bottom glasses.


Mmmmmm. I love hot chocolate! I have the options mint hot chocolate as its only 2 syns on slimming world (even though that's all out the window now) haha x
Yeah don't be embarrassed Amanda, I think it's quite common and perfectly normal. All the extra hormones can kick it off. My anxiety has heightened as well X

Update here, slept awful and very lightly. Every dream was about losing the baby. Woken up to more blood and it's dark brown and heavier. Just done another digi (exactly a week after my first) and it now says 2-3 weeks. I'm not going to go into work today (I'll have to tell them why as just had a week off then half term) and also need to phone The fertility clinic and see what they say..... Still got pain 😕

Oh no, sorry to hear this. Don't push yourself to go in Hun, it's not worth it. Saying that, I feel like crap and my mum text me at 8pm last night to say she can't have my daughter today (thanks for the notice)!! If we weren't so busy and I didn't have an important meeting I'd def have the day off today. Just hope the woman chairing it isn't being a bitch (she can be a right cow) or I'll bloody well cry!

I really hope the clinic can give you a scan and good news xxx
Yeah don't be embarrassed Amanda, I think it's quite common and perfectly normal. All the extra hormones can kick it off. My anxiety has heightened as well X

Update here, slept awful and very lightly. Every dream was about losing the baby. Woken up to more blood and it's dark brown and heavier. Just done another digi (exactly a week after my first) and it now says 2-3 weeks. I'm not going to go into work today (I'll have to tell them why as just had a week off then half term) and also need to phone The fertility clinic and see what they say..... Still got pain

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