.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

I hope everything is okay Hun! Please keep us updated, thinking of you.
Has anyone heard from Peanutbutter? I'm worried about her.
Thanks chick, ive just had a wee and there was no blood there this time, hope its good news xx
Hi I'm Frankee due 18th oct. so scared for this pregenancy as I had a MC last Nov. Already got two children 6years and 3years. Been getting a few mild cramps and had sharp stabbing pains in my belly. Has any1 else had these? Gotta wait till the 19th Feb for a docs appt. I'll be 4weeks tomorrow x
Ive been to the gp and she says that shes not to worried as it wasnt clots or brown blood, she said to rest and if any more bleeds to go straight back, hoping its a bleed in early pregnancy and not a Mc xx
If it was brown blood thats usually a better sign than red blood?

In my bleeding I had dark red and brown. Everything was fine but with the mc it was thin bright red blood.

Hope everythings ok in there. Shocking that they havent offered a referral to epu.

I have shown ammence control all day. Been getting quite sicky and over heating but able to control it.

I was sick this morning a little, but managable.

Hope everyones doing ok.

If it was brown blood thats usually a better sign than red blood?

In my bleeding I had dark red and brown. Everything was fine but with the mc it was thin bright red blood.

Hope everythings ok in there. Shocking that they havent offered a referral to epu.


They cant scan because im only 4wks and ive only had a small bleed and no clots, so they cant do anything unless i bleed again x
If it was brown blood thats usually a better sign than red blood?

In my bleeding I had dark red and brown. Everything was fine but with the mc it was thin bright red blood.

Hope everythings ok in there. Shocking that they havent offered a referral to epu.


They cant scan because im only 4wks and ive only had a small bleed and no clots, so they cant do anything unless i bleed again x

Any bleeds before 7w my epu arrange 48h bloods.

Hopefully it was just a wee breakthrough bleed.

Wilson can u not self refer to epu ? We can we just ring and they will scan you ,FC it's nothing to worry about x
Indeed hun.

Wow 8, I wanted to say 8 but then thought gosh if Im thinking of someone else Ill come across cheeky :lol:

Are the kids excited. Be nice for little S to have someone close to grow up with too.

Lots of luck to you.


They don't know yet in keeping quiet for a while yet not sure what older ones will say eekk probably go mad I bet but hey what am I meant toy do when they won't give me no grankids lol they will probably be shocked at first Maddison my 10 year old will be over moon tho xx
Hi! I am Louise and I have found out I am due 11 October with second baby! I was on here with the last under a different name and made lots of friends from it who I see and chat to daily. Having aching across my tummy now and had that last time so don't see a problem!
I have my booking in appointment on 2 March
Well they put me on baby asprin and progesterone suppositories and they took bloods fx this works specialist will phone tomorrow with blood results
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Do I need to fill in any of the yellow book/form that was in the bounty pack before going to see the midwife?

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