Hi, I'm Mary and my estimated due date is 5th October. Annoyingly three days before my Husband is going to be Best Man for the first time at a friends wedding three hours away, so there is a good chance I won't be able to make it to join him at the wedding!
This is my first pregnancy and I feel like I can't really get excited yet until I've been to the doctors for my first appointment. Is this just me?
Hello and Welcome
I will get you added in.
Please let me know of your first scan date or early scan date and Ill get this filled in for you
Thank you! Nice to see so many other October-Mothers-to-be!
Should I have details of a scan yet? I rang the doctors last week to let them know I had gotten a positive test and they told me to ring again when I reached 8 weeks pregnant. I'm rather worried though as I literally know nothing about pregnancy, having no friends with babies around. I read somewhere that I should be taking pills during weeks 1-12. I'm into week 5 now but haven't taken anything yet. If I don't get an appointment until 8-9 weeks, most of that time will have already passed before I've gotten any information about my first trimester! :S
Am I worrying for no reason? Is there anything I need to know before 8-9 weeks? I've obviously stopped drinking.