Sazzle, thanks for your reply- you are completely right. I wouldn't think any less of anyone else who had said any of the things I have said, so I shouldn't think any less of myself!
I am def out for this month though- witch is here!
Only a 25 day cyce this month though- wtf is that all about?
Well lets hope she hurry up and buggers off sharpish! My plan for this month is to BD as much as poss, pretty much the SMEP plan and then as I said, OPKs if it doesn't happen then.
I had a dream last night that my cousin announced she was pregnant and I was so upset that it wasn't me! I was bawling my eyes out in my dream!
Lots of the girls I work with are at similar points in their lives as I am- eg recently married and I would be so gutted if any of the got their bfp before me! I feel I should get it first as I got married first!hehe!!
Fx and baby dust to all of those still left to test.
Hugs to those the evil witch has visited this month.
Roll on Nov testing for me then eh?