*** October 2011 Testing Thread ***

Told doc about my pains and long cycle and he did urine sample which come back negative for pregnancy but showed possible infection so has sent it off to be tested. He said that could be the cause of my pains but if the test comes back negative for infection then could possibly be endometriosis :( . He told me to keep doing pregnancy tests. x

Really hope it's not endometriosis x FX it all gets sorted soon.

I took a CB digi this morning and got a BFN so it's definitely the whole 'coming off the pill' that is messing with my cycle. Just need to wait for AF to show up now.. whenever that's going to be :roll:
Aww sorry to hear the witch got you spinneygirl and natashateale. Also sorry that you didnt get a positive result in dreams - really hope next month is better for you all...lots of :dust: going into November.

Looks like AF has got me as I've had blood when wiping this evening and I've felt so bloated all day today. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little bit disappointed but I'm more glad that everything is working okay after being on the pill for over 10 years. Based on this month my cycles are 37 days but as it's first month off pill I guess it could be different next cycle. Roll on my next cycle so we can try again! x
Aww sorry to hear the witch got you spinneygirl and natashateale. Also sorry that you didnt get a positive result in dreams - really hope next month is better for you all...lots of :dust: going into November.


Thanks Sazzle. Wasn't expecting anything to happen this soon if I'm being honest, especially as we're more NTNP rather than TTC at the moment. Just a bit annoying that the no AF is due to an irregular cycle rather than a BFP. Ah well, onwards and upwards :)

Come on :witch: !
Bfn today but no af so still in the running! No symptoms what so ever to report.
Hey ladies, bfp for me please :) xx iv posted in the announcements bit to follow the rules :) xxxxx
Sorry I've been MIA - been in a shit of a mood!

The witch got me. :( But not after a faint bfp and now got loads of clots.

2 chemicals in a row seems a bit of a piss-take!!
Sorry I've been MIA - been in a shit of a mood!

The witch got me. :( But not after a faint bfp and now got loads of clots.

2 chemicals in a row seems a bit of a piss-take!!

Speak to your GP hun - At least they can put the notes on your file.

I do recall reading somewhere on here that CP can be caused by lack of Progesterone, so you could possible need some kind of suppliment?

let me find where this was posted and I'll copy and paste it in?

Copied and pasted - I hope the original poster of this info doesn't mind?

If you have low progesterone levels then your body wont be able to continue with the pregnancy, or chemical pregnancys happen. You can have what i am on there called progesterone cyclogest, i am taking them this month while in my 2ww just to give me that extra support hence i have suffered losses before & they do help prevent another loss.

There is a number of reasons why you are miscarrying so early, Chemical pregnancys can be down to a genetic chromosome fault, where during conception the cells have not divided properely there for the body will reckonise the fault in the embryo onec the embryo implants & starts to develope hcg. The embryo will stop growing & cancel its self out. There is loads of woman who have had more than 1 chemical but gone on to have a successfull pregnancy.

Another is womb lining problems, i.e fibroids. polyps, inside the uterus that can cause problems when a embryo implants which causes early miscarriage, OR a blood clotting problem that can also cause miscarriages. With your type of early losses, people are given 75mg of baby asprin to take the day after ovulation & some progesterone support. See your gp see if he can offer you this support, am not sure if you will be refared to see a miscarriage dr, because you have to of had more than 3 before they will take it seriouse which is disgusting i know.

If you dont get any help from your gp, then you can buy the asprin over the counter, it has to be baby asprin 75mg, however before you do so, i would speak with your doctor about it & see if he can suggest somthing or suggest some hormone tests to be done.

I am now going to go into the whole dr head of mine hahaha. There is somthing called immune disorders, natural killer cells, these are inside the uterus they can stop implantion so you dont get pregnant or they can let you get pregnant then stop the pregnancy from progressing. They eat away at the embryo as soon as its attached, or in later pregnancy like my losses, they eat away at the placenta, acting like my babies are what they call foreighn objects. Like a form of cancer, my body thinks i am unwell when really i am just pregnant, but my immune disorder is to high because of these natural killer cells. Steriods prednisilone help with these natural killer cells, & your supposed to take them from ovulation day up to test day, however these meds you can only be prescribed through your gp, fertility/miscarriage Dr.
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How dis everyone get on in october then ladies??xxxx any more good news? x
The witch got me :( but I was expecting it as I think I had ov pain on CD18 and didnt bd on that day or the following 3 days as bf was sick and then I was, nasty bug urgh!!!

Big congrats to alll the girls who got BFP this month whoop whoop :) :)
Can my BFP be taken out please as it was another Chemical Pregnancy.


Sorry I've been MIA - been in a shit of a mood!

The witch got me. :( But not after a faint bfp and now got loads of clots.

2 chemicals in a row seems a bit of a piss-take!!

Cupcake how disheartening :(

If I get a bfp this month (no matter how faint) I'm going to go straight on the baby aspirin - against doctor's orders :oooo: I'm asthmatic and not supposed to take it so thats why I haven't taken it since the start of my cycle, but if I get another bfp I'm thinking screw the asthma thing I want my sticky! I've never been affected by the supposed no-go medications for asthmatics, so I'll just try it for a couple of weeks and see if I get a sticky bean. If that doesn't work, I'll see how I get on with the fertility referral and get my hormone levels checked. Keep an eye out and see what my results are, might be relevant to you too xx
Sorry I've been MIA - been in a shit of a mood!

The witch got me. :( But not after a faint bfp and now got loads of clots.

2 chemicals in a row seems a bit of a piss-take!!

Cupcake - I've had my 2nd chemical in 2 months....

Going to see a gyno Dr next week as this is loss number 3 for me since May :shock:

I can't offer much practical help but just so you know there are others out here in the same boot

Cupcake how disheartening :(

If I get a bfp this month (no matter how faint) I'm going to go straight on the baby aspirin - against doctor's orders :oooo: I'm asthmatic and not supposed to take it so thats why I haven't taken it since the start of my cycle, but if I get another bfp I'm thinking screw the asthma thing I want my sticky! I've never been affected by the supposed no-go medications for asthmatics, so I'll just try it for a couple of weeks and see if I get a sticky bean. If that doesn't work, I'll see how I get on with the fertility referral and get my hormone levels checked. Keep an eye out and see what my results are, might be relevant to you too xx

leesey, how do the baby asprin work? I can't quite get my head round it?

I think we've decided to give TTC a break this month (I need my smear test any way) but I'd be interested to know.

How are you doing?

Cupcake how disheartening :(

If I get a bfp this month (no matter how faint) I'm going to go straight on the baby aspirin - against doctor's orders :oooo: I'm asthmatic and not supposed to take it so thats why I haven't taken it since the start of my cycle, but if I get another bfp I'm thinking screw the asthma thing I want my sticky! I've never been affected by the supposed no-go medications for asthmatics, so I'll just try it for a couple of weeks and see if I get a sticky bean. If that doesn't work, I'll see how I get on with the fertility referral and get my hormone levels checked. Keep an eye out and see what my results are, might be relevant to you too xx

leesey, how do the baby asprin work? I can't quite get my head round it?

I think we've decided to give TTC a break this month (I need my smear test any way) but I'd be interested to know.

How are you doing?


It prevents over-clotting, which can be a cause for early miscarriages. Best to talk to your dr about it xx
It prevents over-clotting, which can be a cause for early miscarriages. Best to talk to your dr about it xx

Will do - am off to the gyno Dr on 8th so will see what she says.


everyone updated who has provided updates - sorry I have been missing in action, we moved house and am without tinterweb so having to sneak on at work and haven't been in the office for a couple of weeks!

Sorry to all the ladies who the witch got and massive congrats to lauralou and her bfp!

Onwards to November.

Thanku :) xxxx so happy to see that little flashing bfp next to my name :)

Good luck to everyone else who's trying xxxxxxx

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